© MediBang Inc.
Amazing work. I really liked this chapter, from the art to the humour. So many new characters that I like and dislike!
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Took the words out of my mouth. I, also, want to add on to that how JoNilla made the glock a useless thing, but as you see it wasn't. Probably one would think that a glock in a lucid dream would be like sand in a dessert! But, it turns out it wasn't. Same with Yeri, despite her being a bit of a coward at the start, she proved herself useful later on.If I can give feedback, if you're reading this JoNilla, sometimes you wrote a bit much, but it was okay. When you overwrote, it made sense to the plot/dialogue. However, some of the younger audience would not like it and stop reading it because of that.I am the one who reads.
Amazing artwork here, this has to be one of my favourite chapters so far in terms of art and composition. The writing was phenomenal. I noticed how the horror one shot inspired you to make the bunny scary. Great job as always. Keep it up.
I am utterly amazed right now, this is one of your best works. I have read your others, which are great too. But, for me, this one is my personal favourite. Your paneling, composition, art, and story, really went hard here. I can tell you really worked hard for it and you improved very much since. If I can ask, will you do another horror manga?
dean, I am. I am the one who knocks
This is another well done manga chapter? or part by JoNilla. I really loved every moment, every page. It was utterly spectacular, I like your composition very much which makes it enjoyable to read too. I also think you did a well job with the new characters, and those... new powers I'm guessing? Either way, I can't wait to read your next part or chapter next week.
I'm looking towards this new decision.
Overall it's an interesting chapter, very informatic, I love the starter pages; really loved the head explosions, and I read some of the information the guy told
bald guy look like an egg
Amazing work. I really liked this chapter, from the art to the humour. So many new characters that I like and dislike!
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