In the future, society and all of humanity have been forced to live in an era of chaos and destruction since the arrival of an entity called Kaizer, who forced the world to follow his cruel and twisted will. In an attempt to save everyone, a time traveler returns to before the Kaizer took power, willing to do whatever it takes to create a hero who would be able to defeat the evil known as Kaizer. However, the gears of fate begin to change when heroes and villains join forces to stop an evil organization. With a clear change in the past of history, the Time Traveler wonders what else could happen with his intervention?
In the future, society and all humanity has been forced to live in an era of chaos and destruction since the arrival of an entity called Kaizer, who forced the world to follow his cruel and distorted wills. To try to save everyone, a time traveler returns to before Kaizer took power, willing to do whatever it takes to create a hero who would be able to defeat the evil known as Kaizer. However, the wheels of destiny begin to change when heroes and villains join forces to stop an evil organization. With a clear change in history's past, the Time Traveler wonders what else could happen with his intervention?