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English / Hobby
just a dude
words cannot describe such cinema!
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realy nice manga
Nice art. But didn't understand the story
i didnt realy understand the end and the vegtable heads. but the rest of this is realy good. the art is very well made. (just the hand in the start is impresive) and the story is cute. or was it a dream idunno
im so sad after reading this.but seriesly this is a very well made emotional story. with great art backing it up
the story is nice with a kinda cliche messege but still a good one.and the art is so good espacily the backgrounds. overall a realy nice one shot
the drawing are pretty cool. the art style did kinda change at the end it looks like baki. but i am exited to see an scp manga
the art is so good and the story may also be cus it is realy hard for me to understand whats going on. whose talking? whose who? the cherecters look way to simaller to understand whoes who. with all the probloms aside. this has insane potentiol. from what i did understand it was on par with the top mangas here. the art is just so good. btw im sory if i was a bit rude at the start becuse this is so high qulity i have to nitpik the negatives
this is pretty cool first chapter. but i do have some qustions (that may be answered later) why did they take the kids if there is a realy powerfull dude with the same motives, and the kids dont look strong. the thing i am kinda sad about is that you spoild him having a twin/copy in the cover i would have liked finding out about him. and be shoocked.
this is the funniset manga ive read on this site. the drake wall was so funny
words cannot describe such cinema!
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