Beat It All! (Pilot)
Beat is a boy who aspires to become the best fighter in the world. However, he does not have the necessary skills to be so. Being the worst student, he has little self-confidence. However, everything changes when his teacher Shida Yamagawa chooses him as his student. for the promotion tournament, and on his first day of training, when he is thrown against a kraken in the middle of the sea, he ACTIVATES AN INCREDIBLE POWER!!, this is Beat's story of winning the long-awaited Promotion Tournament.
Beat It All! (Piloto)
Beat es un chico el cual ancìa convertirse en el mejor guerrero del mundo, sin embargo no tienes las habilidades necesarias para serlo, siendo el peor estudiante tiene poca confianza en sì mismo, todo cambia cuando su Maestro Shida Yamagawa lo escoge como su alumno para el torneo de promociòn, y en su primer dìa de entrenamiento, al ser arrojado contra un kraken en medio del mar, ¡Este activa un poder increìble!, Este es el camino de Beat para ganar el tan anhelado Torneo de promociòn