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I illusstrated the first page of your manga: https://medibang.com/mpc/episodes/0d2502020012262730026144868/If you want I can illustrate the rest of the manga too and upload it with you as the Storywriter.
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An Isekai...but I still like it.The artstyle ist unique.
Nice first chapter! The Reading-flow ist amazing!
Nice First Chapter!I really like the Artstyle!
Nice chapter!I am excited what happens next!
Nice manga!
What a wholesome story...I really enjoyed reading!
Still Peak chapter!
Crazy exciting Artsryle! And what a wholesome Story!
I illusstrated the first page of your manga: https://medibang.com/mpc/episodes/0d2502020012262730026144868/
If you want I can illustrate the rest of the manga too and upload it with you as the Storywriter.
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