After global nuclear war, the city of Vienna has become closed off from the rest of the world. Governed by a corrupt dictator and his cybernetically enhanced soldiers, Vienna's outskirts are plagued by mutated animals capable of brutal strength.
Chl0e, a young girl with a fully cybernetic body is struggling to survive on the city's lowest floor and resorts to brutal means to combat daily problems.
Markus, a member of English special ops, has the mission, together with his team, to infiltrate the city and find incriminating evidence against the Viennese government to prove previous suspicions.
Through a series of unexpected circumstances and a common enemy, Chl0e and Markus must work together to achieve their goals.
PATCHWORK is a story of pain, struggle, betrayal, depression and deals with the question of: "How much of yourself can you replace, before you are not yourself anymore?"
Chl0e, a young girl with a fully cybernetic body is struggling to survive on the city's lowest floor and resorts to brutal means to combat daily problems.
Markus, a member of English special ops, has the mission, together with his team, to infiltrate the city and find incriminating evidence against the Viennese government to prove previous suspicions.
Through a series of unexpected circumstances and a common enemy, Chl0e and Markus must work together to achieve their goals.
PATCHWORK is a story of pain, struggle, betrayal, depression and deals with the question of: "How much of yourself can you replace, before you are not yourself anymore?"