In a world driven by madness a young girl named Lilith is forced to participate in a brutal game show called BLEED. Created to satisfy the corrupt leaders of Malovo and the city of Cuptarzas, the show thrives on pushing the human mind to it's limits for entertainment.
A young woman named Lilith is on a quest to find her father but was abducted and made into a Janguji—a pawn in the deadly duels. Now, she must survive her matches, kill Malovo, burn the city to the ground, and somehow find her father, all while resisting the urge to end her own life.
A young woman named Lilith is on a quest to find her father but was abducted and made into a Janguji—a pawn in the deadly duels. Now, she must survive her matches, kill Malovo, burn the city to the ground, and somehow find her father, all while resisting the urge to end her own life.