Hollow Grimoire (Series)
In a world where Daimon—mystical entities reflecting humanity’s inner thoughts, emotions, and hidden desires—pose a constant threat, only the descendants of those who once consumed the fabled Origin Apple can protect humanity. These descendants, known as sorcerers, possess the power to wield Mana, a force derived from the soul itself. Tasked with shielding humanity from Daimon and rogue sorcery, the Aegis Organization is the first line of defense.
At the heart of this battle are Hakeem Aboye and Erika Penragon, rookie sorcerers with clashing yet complementary talents. Hakeem, an astute and cocky strategist with a sharp tongue, finds himself paired with Erika, a blunt and slightly airheaded combat prodigy. Together, they must overcome their contrasting personalities and navigate the challenges of partnership.
At the heart of this battle are Hakeem Aboye and Erika Penragon, rookie sorcerers with clashing yet complementary talents. Hakeem, an astute and cocky strategist with a sharp tongue, finds himself paired with Erika, a blunt and slightly airheaded combat prodigy. Together, they must overcome their contrasting personalities and navigate the challenges of partnership.
Hollow Grimoire (One-shot)
Hakem Aboye, the second son of the esteemed Aboye family, aspires to become a powerful grimoire sorcerer to reunite with his long-lost mother, distancing himself from others to rely on his own abilities. Faced with a crucial challenge, he must either defy expectations or risk sacrificing everything for his goals.
Desert Sunflower: Seed of the Red Sun
After the Knights of Arcwatch massacred the Red Sun Tribe, Enkai, the last surviving member, vowed to get revenge for his people. However, during one of his encounters with Arcwatch, he discovers that their current second-in-command is a member of the Red Sun Tribe. He was conflicted on whether he should view them as the enemy or tribe members.