IMA (: Incomplete Meta-Adventure") is a science fiction manga in the fantasy genre, which tells about the journey of a pair of companions: a Knight named Anais and a Mage known as "Faceless".The events unfold on an abandoned meta-server, filled with elements of the fantasy world. Anais, a girl knight, is characterized not only by her fighting prowess, but also by her passion for exploring mysteries. Her path crosses with the mysterious Nameless Mage, who possesses some distinctive knowledge and magical abilities. They develop a camaraderie and decide to stick together for a while when situations arise. Anais and the Nameless Mage embark on an exciting journey through the dying meta-server "Decade-07". They explore the tangled webs of the server's technical mysteries, its forgotten corners. Each area they enter is a separate fantasy space with its own rules and peculiarities.