Kimie and Haruo
Kimie and Haruo are dolls who work and live together peacefully.... However one day, Ryu, Kimie´s stalker; and Mei, Haruo´s stalker discover that their chances with their respective love ones are lower than they thought. But they are not going to accept a rejection so easily though.
Naori´s house
The horror house of Naori is a well-known attraction characterized by its peculiar doll aesthetics.
Clients (players) can walk along this mysterious house freely. There the dolls (called as <<startlers>>) have the role of scaring and entertaining them. During the walk, there are harmless traps, puzzles and lots of frights performed by the protagonists, who wait until the best moment to take action.
However, the house is losing its popularity due to the rumours that it hides deep inside something really dark...
Clients (players) can walk along this mysterious house freely. There the dolls (called as <<startlers>>) have the role of scaring and entertaining them. During the walk, there are harmless traps, puzzles and lots of frights performed by the protagonists, who wait until the best moment to take action.
However, the house is losing its popularity due to the rumours that it hides deep inside something really dark...
La casa de Naori
La casa del terror de Naori es una conocida atracción turística caracterizada por su peculiar estética de muñecas. Los clientes (jugadores) tienen la libertad de pasearse por esta misteriosa casa en la que habitan muñecos (conocidos como <<asustadores>>) cuyo papel es el de asustarlos y darles entretenimiento. En dicho recorrido, hay trampas inofensivas, acertijos y muchos sustos por parte de sus protagonistas, quienes esperan al momento idóneo para entrar en acción. No obstante, últimamente ha bajado su popularidad debido a los rumores de que esconde algo muy oscuro en su interior…