Chaos: The First Conflict
Set on a planet located at the exact center of universe called Chaos, this story follows Ynot Rellim on his quest to locate his old friend, the Priestess Kyoko Dengel who has been missing for some time now. However he finds himself in the clutches of the Pack Leader of the Exodus Werewolves, the Chaotic Wolf James Minell: The same man who murdered Ynot's mentor Michael Dampele years ago. But Ynot is not alone in his journey as he gets the help of his cousin, Rand Althore the psychic and Shana Gener, the Elvin Knight. Together they will attempt to survive the assault of the werewolves as James hunts for answers regarding Darkaido Reeyoku, known as the Dragon That Walks Like A Man. Who will be successful first? Find out on Chaos!
"Chaos: The First Conflict" is a one shot that is just a drop of water in the pond of the Chaos Universe. Expect more stories soon!
"Chaos: The First Conflict" is a one shot that is just a drop of water in the pond of the Chaos Universe. Expect more stories soon!