Nusantara Conqueror
In the mystical realm of the Nusantara, where ancient myth and modern technology intermingle, the story follows Dzul, a young boy of mysterious origins. Abandoned as a baby in a desolate land, Dzul survives alone until he is found by Lyana, a Bunian known as “The Preserver.” Lyana is a spiritual figure among the Bunian, an ethereal people living on the fringes of the human world and the spirit realm. Lyana takes him in, raising him with the Bunian and guide him in her secret land called 'Kampung Bunian.
As he grows up, he begins to uncover the secrets of the Nusantara, encountering beings from myth, like the Harimau Jadian—shapeshifters who transform into tigers, and Nenek Kebayan—a mysterious old woman with powers to heal or curse. Dzul’s journey becomes a path of self-discovery, romance and fulfilment.
Along his path, Dzul encounters Nur, a girl shrouded in mystery and darkness. Nur’s past is veiled, and her presence brings both intrigue and tension into Dzul’s world. She is burden
As he grows up, he begins to uncover the secrets of the Nusantara, encountering beings from myth, like the Harimau Jadian—shapeshifters who transform into tigers, and Nenek Kebayan—a mysterious old woman with powers to heal or curse. Dzul’s journey becomes a path of self-discovery, romance and fulfilment.
Along his path, Dzul encounters Nur, a girl shrouded in mystery and darkness. Nur’s past is veiled, and her presence brings both intrigue and tension into Dzul’s world. She is burden