Bwee Story
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In this world, all power is drawn from a force called BWEE ENERGY, which is the essence of all good and the creator of all beings known as bwee things. Enter Eidori!! A young bwee boy who is a foot and is tasked with a certain mission. His mission is to find the man named hidariashi, who can train him to defeat his brother Aron, who has usurped the throne from their father and turned the kingdom into his own domain... DEMISE CASTLE. Accompanying him are his two guards, Abbey and Nanama, who have their own special abilities and have vowed to assist him at all costs! On their journey they are attacked by monsters called bweeless and minions sent from his brother to thwart Eidori's progress along the way. His journey is a steep climb.. Rife with evil beings ready to destroy him at a moment's notice. But he must prevail...
