In a world ravaged by monstrous beings, humanity retreats behind fortified walls, segregating into opulent noble cities and impoverished slums. Hana, gifted with modest magical abilities, watches as her childhood friends form an outsider group comprising a tank and a fighter, venturing beyond the safety of the walls to confront low-level threats. Slum residents toil to produce goods for the nobles, their meager earnings failing to alleviate the scarcity of food grown exclusively within the noble territories. As Hana and her friends navigate this perilous existence, they confront societal injustices and their own limitations, striving to carve out a meaningful existence in a world overshadowed by formidable creatures and entrenched social divisions.
- Monthly Awards Feb 2024
- 209th
- Published
- 2024-02-07
- Updated
- 2024-02-07