The Will Of Buddha
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Buddha, known as the King of Gods, somehow claims that he split his two wills into physical forms called Indra and Asura. Two beings able to exact Buddha's will throughout the universe try to justify their existence. Indra, the son of light, fights for what Buddha stands for. However, Asura sees flaws in Buddha that must not exist. In their feud of right and wrong, the battle between the two wills tears the universal structure apart. Following Indra's enlightenment, Buddha intervenes. Seeing his nightmare, Asura adopts a physical appearance similar to humans. Indra is taken, and Asura flees, knowing he is outclassed. Looking for a place to belong, Asura journeys across Earth's pantheons and civilizations. Asura will have to face his father again, regardless of his path. Does fate will that Asura must fight his father?


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