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Monthly Awards ago 2024 197th

ELEMENTS War's: The story begins with a great battle between two powerful gods - the Element God, known as the creator of fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness, gravity, and beast magic, and his best friend, who has rivaling powers. The friend turned to the darkness, leading to a centuries-long battle.

In the end, the Element God was overpowered, and upon his death, he split his spirit into four divine elements: fire and water, earth and wind, light and darkness, and gravity magic with beast magic.

However, the Element God's friend seeks to obtain the power of these four divine elements. He instigates wars between nations to try and claim them. 400 centuries have passed, and the final divine element, light and darkness, resides within the main character, Akira Hiruto. Akira embarks on a journey to stop the constant wars and bring peace back to the world.


Monthly Awards jun 2024
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