Records Of A Wizard
Dusk Spark
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A short one-shot story about a stranded wizard's slow descent into madness due to his isolation on a mysterious tower, caused by a magical mishap. After several months in solitude, and dozens of recorded messages, all he wants is to get home!


A one-shot submission for, Jump Tezuka 100th anniversary manga contest.

Final Words from the creators:

"Believe it or not, I had three other stories to scrap before settling on this one. 1st was too long, 2nd was shorter but still too long, 3rd one even shorter but still too long! The remnants of that 3rd story became this one. I do intend to finish those other stories someday. But not this one, this one's completely done."

"There was blood, sweat and tea spilled in the process of making this! In retrospect, we should've joined forces earlier, then we probably wouldn't have entered Deadline Hell for the past 2 weeks. Word to the wise, projects are easier in groups."
