Seeds of Ayé
Valentin de las Casas
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Meet Ade Reed: a sixteen year old black boy living in New Jersey. His life seems typical: he plays basketball, watches anime, and his biggest concern is trying to make it through another year of high school. However, all of that changes when he learns about his family’s secret.

Ade comes from a bloodline of spiritual warriors known as the “emijaguns,” gifted with the ability to manipulate a spiritual force known as “ashe” in various ways, and use it to fight in the battle against evil. They’ve been tasked with protecting the physical realm from any threats from the netherworld for centuries.

Now, guided by one of his oldest ancestors, Ade starts his training to join the ranks of his brethren. As Ade struggles with his newfound responsibilities and maintaining his social life, a grave new evil appears and threatens the way of life as we know it. Can Ade master his new powers and help in the battle for mankind? Or will he get himself killed in the process?

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