In a distant past, a fierce battle raged between the King of Fire and the Queen of Darkness, who was corrupted by a mysterious force. As she led a brutal assault on the Soshi clan, the King of Fire fought valiantly to protect his people. After an exhausting conflict, he managed to seal away the Queen of Darkness and her minions, knowing that the seal would only be temporary. He hoped that each subsequent generation of Soshi leaders would grow stronger, preparing for the day when the darkness would inevitably return.
Fast forward to the present day, sixteen-year-old Kaizen Pyua is the latest heir to the throne. As the son of King Fudo, Kaizen inherits not only his father's formidable powers but also the immense responsibility of defending the Universe. Kaizen's journey begins as he grapples with his destiny, training to harness his fiery abilities and prepare for the looming threat.
- Monthly Awards Aug 2024
- 61st
- Published
- 2024-08-01
- Updated
- 2024-08-02