Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang



Regarding the bug in ARTstreet ranking.


MediBang Inc.

Thank you for always using the service provided by MediBang inc.
We would like to report a bug found within ranking on ARTstreet.

《When the issue occurred》
August 30, 2022 〜 September 8, 2022.

《Rankings in which a bug occured》
Rookie Rank: Ranking for creators who don’t have a rank yet.
Trending Rank: Ranking for creators who already have Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum rank.

《Details of the bug》
Judgment for the rank badge had a bug when counting for the ranking.
Due to this bug, some creators who should be ranked in the Rookie Rank were ranked in Trending Rank.
Simultaneously, there was a discordance in the order of the ranking shown in the email and on the web page.

《Measures taken》
Revision of the bug and data has been completed. The order of the ranking during the time when we had the bug has been corrected too.
Only the process of counting for the ranking had an issue.
There was no issue with regard to granting of Rank Badge. There is nothing to revise.
We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you.