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[Important] Notice of Changes in Purchasing Method for MediBang Premium for PC.


MediBang Inc.

As of May 9th 2024, we will be eliminating the yearly buy-in purchase subscription plan for MediBang Premium via ARTStreet (for 2980 yen/year) in favor of automatic renewal subscriptions only. Automatic renewal subscriptions will be available on a monthly or yearly basis. Please see below for fee details.

For our users who have already purchased buy-in plans, you can continue to use your current MediBang Premium plan until its expiration date. Upon signing up for a new MediBang Premium subscription, please do note you will be subscribed to a plan with automatic renewal.

However, for subscriptions purchased using WebMoney or AliPay, we will continue only offering buy-in plans that do not renew automatically. Please do not though that the price will change to reflect the table seen below. We appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your continued support and usage of our services.