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- 2021.4.1
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Do you know the taste of happiness?
- The Earth
- Friends and familiy
- Foods

How to Cook
Hi, I'm a new employee K. Today, i will introduce the ultimate seasoning, so please read till the end. I never waste your time! This recipe has three points.
・Going to the sea, mountains, or other natural environments.
・Eating what you like.
・Not thinking about anything.
Please don't forget there points! Let's start cooking! -
First of all, think about where you want to go. You can also think about where you want to go if you will die tomorrow. I was born and raised in a mountain area so mountains are my favorite location.
Next step is thinking about your favorite foods. Hmm Soba(Buckwheat noodles) and rice are in my mind.
I found good location that can satisfy my needs.
If you can go with your friends or family, it will be better.
So! I called up my bosses. From left to right, MediBang's big name T and Web Director N. It's a great group of people. If this article doesn't get more views, my life will be in danger. So please spread this on SNS!
After an hour's drive on the highway from the Tokyo, we arrived at Mount Takao with Mr. T's help in expensive car. Thank you very much. The weather was fine! The temperature was 15 degrees (celsius)! Comfortable spring sunshine! It's already fun.
Let's start. The toughness of the wilderness hits the office workers. Regretting not exercising on a regular basis, we continues to move forward.
We arrived on the top of mount Takao! The view of Tokyo from about 600 meters above the ground is extraordinary.
Mr. T paid Mt. Takao's famous soba. Thank you.
We eat it immediately. The ingredients and the bounty of the earth soak into our tired and hungry five organs! Conclusion: The best food is the one somebody buy for you. It was so delicious that I immediately finished it.
Tired bodies, memories with friends, and the blessings of the earth better than a fancy restaurant! Any food will taste great this way.
Please try this recipe. The next day, our efficiency at the office increased by 200%.
Get tired as much as you can.
Recipe Comments
I understood "The universe is nothing without the things that live in it."
This works at Mount Everest
I dislike just because sushi that somebody paid for me was simply taste better.