閒聊 5年前 新しいコメントがあります。 收藏 Help plz 顯示翻譯 Hey so like I'm new here and I got these little squares in the area I'll put a line when I use any types of brushes. Does anyone know how to get rid of them? I'm muy confused and would appreciate some help. 留言 2 0 登入後投稿 顯示所有留言 只顯示最新留言 emonerd07 (5年前) > •♡✨Loli✨♡• Thank you it worked :) 顯示翻譯 回覆 •Kleix• (5年前) maybe go into the canvas settings or see if a filter's on? 顯示翻譯 回覆 顯示所有留言 只顯示最新留言
Thank you it worked :)