An artist from China XD(almost draw fanart
国人缘分欢迎qq:250825564 熊猫id11971680 lofter/bilibili:鳖狸沃
↓what animates or games do i like
FNAF/FNF/彐NA/Beastars/BNA/MC/HK/sky children of the light/JS&B/
aslo I like countyhuman
exactly I seldom post my art or stuff erh .
BTW U can relate me on twitter & instragram
twitter@AD93561822 instragram:siliverad
国人缘分欢迎qq:250825564 熊猫id11971680 lofter/bilibili:鳖狸沃
↓what animates or games do i like
FNAF/FNF/彐NA/Beastars/BNA/MC/HK/sky children of the light/JS&B/
aslo I like countyhuman
exactly I seldom post my art or stuff erh .
BTW U can relate me on twitter & instragram
twitter@AD93561822 instragram:siliverad
- 同人
- 绘画
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