Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Maybe AKA no

THAT-DUDE left a comment!

my parents hate me, my friends hate me, my teachers hate me
I disappoint everyone
no one fucking likes me
I can never do anything right
I've fucked everything up
I'm going to fail my classes and my parents r going to take me out of art school and I'm going to lose my friends
I'm going to be even more alone
my parents r just going to keep hating me more and more
everyone else is going to forget about me
I'm going to fail school completely
I'm never going to get a driver's license and I'll probably be grounded all the time anyways so I'll never be able to leave the house
I'm going to stay stuck in my room all day everyday with no one to talk to
I'll stop taking care of myself and stop eating because my depression will just be getting worse
and I'll drown myself in the shower
but I could just do that now couldn't I
get it all over and done with now
then they'll all be done with me
he wouldn't care
he doesn't care
he never has

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THAT-DUDE left a comment!

my parents hate me, my friends hate me, my teachers hate me
I disappoint everyone
no one fucking likes me
I can never do anything right
I've fucked everything up
I'm going to fail my classes and my parents r going to take me out of art school and I'm going to lose my friends
I'm going to be even more alone
my parents r just going to keep hating me more and more
everyone else is going to forget about me
I'm going to fail school completely
I'm never going to get a driver's license and I'll probably be grounded all the time anyways so I'll never be able to leave the house
I'm going to stay stuck in my room all day everyday with no one to talk to
I'll stop taking care of myself and stop eating because my depression will just be getting worse
and I'll drown myself in the shower
but I could just do that now couldn't I
get it all over and done with now
then they'll all be done with me
he wouldn't care
he doesn't care
he never has

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