Charlie Welks
MediBang ID:
Uh.. Hey, I'm Charlie, but I also go by Biv and Carmen. Eve is my comfort singer, and my favorite song by him is literally all of them. :] I also really like Dangan Ronpa!
Background Image: いのちの食べ方 - Eve MV ( https://youtu.be/U7L-3VXAkSA )
Profile Picture: E ve (Old icon)
Background Image: いのちの食べ方 - Eve MV ( https://youtu.be/U7L-3VXAkSA )
Profile Picture: E ve (Old icon)
- Trying
- Danganronpa
- Clowns
- Cartoon???
- Maybe anime idk still in progress
- Masked Figures
- I am a clown