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Sketchbook Collection #2

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Sketchbook Collection #2
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You Know Who Else Can’t Stop Drawing These Two?
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The Nightshade Sisters | Reference Sheets | FL&D
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Some of the Major Cast | F:L&D
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Coral Reefheart (my Siren-Sona)
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Luella Ref Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
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Happy Roy Koopa Day!!!
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Trevor Ref. Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
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Frankie McGuffin | Fantastica: Light And Darkness
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Benson | Regular Show
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Candle in the Ocean
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Pascal Darkwater | Fantastica: Light And Darkness
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Angel and Moon | Fantastica: Light And Darkness
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My Sirensona! (READ DESC.)
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Mildred Goldenheart, Former Guildmistress | F: L&D
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Tyson Ref. Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
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Feelings (Alfie Sweetnote)
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Rigby with a Cat Collar (Traditional Drawing)
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Muffin Ref Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
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Muffin Ref Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
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Vickie McGuffin | Fantastica: Light And Darkness
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Rigby with a Cat Collar (Traditional Drawing)
Rigby with a Cat Collar (Traditional Drawing)
Muffin Ref Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
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New Profile Pic (?)
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~~~Danica in the Sunset~~~
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New Drawing 0w0
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Ryland Sweetnote (Mega Pop Form)