일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

When you're art isn't good enough...

When you draw what you think are fantastic pictures, but they only get to level 1, and most of the time not even that...T^T

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  • I'm sorry you think that way about your art, but the best thing you can do is keep going and practicing at it! don't let how many likes you get define how you think about your art, because believe me i struggle with this a lot too and it makes being motivated to draw really hard. what matters is what you love doing! I love seeing your art!!


So I went to a concert last night at my old school, and my ex bf came up to me and starts talking to me like nothing had happened between us. I mean, the last time he had spoken to me was him breaking up with me!! Anyway, it was super awkward and he made me start crying! Now I require hugs.

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  • > Kōri smh i dont even have so he'd be sucking on a phantom dick

  • > clown🤡 He's so clueless I don't know if he would take that as an insult like he should

  • im not a hugger but *head pats* that man can suck my dick

Why do I even have to put something here

I haven't been feeling very confident about my art lately....
I just feel like people don't really like it...
I try drawing oc's, doing contest, and even drawing anime characters but...
Idk, sorry for wasting your guys time

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  • Stoppppppppppppp You just need to keep trying to find what’s best for you! It’ll come eventually, and may take time, but it will happen! I am still in the process as well So don’t say that 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖