일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Tao 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


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  • > Creektehgato ❤❤❤、(OwQ )

  • 哎,父母应该都是看成绩的。大部分都是这样的,没办法 gasly,加油啊!你有我的支持!


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  • > Creektehgato ❤❤❤、(OwQ )

  • 哎,父母应该都是看成绩的。大部分都是这样的,没办法 gasly,加油啊!你有我的支持!

Tao 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Examination results release!!!

well,maybe I not a good Chinese.I failed in my Chinese!!!!!!!!The perfect score is 120 and I just got 66.5.Poor teacher,she was so angry.I got 90 point in English(perfect score is 120)Not bad but not very good,I always forget the word.But I think I can do better next time./;>3<)/
By the way,I have a little curious about your study,such as subject or content.Is it same with us?(?o?)PLEASE TELL ME!!!!///U///

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  • > Creektehgato Thank you,creek(give you a hug><)

  • well probably because you go to a different school our tests and scores and results are all different that explains why your art is so good though You're not a bad Chinese my Chinese is perhaps worse that yours gas 我们都是中文渣憋蛋心 ;u;

Examination results release!!!

well,maybe I not a good Chinese.I failed in my Chinese!!!!!!!!The perfect score is 120 and I just got 66.5.Poor teacher,she was so angry.I got 90 point in English(perfect score is 120)Not bad but not very good,I always forget the word.But I think I can do better next time./;>3<)/
By the way,I have a little curious about your study,such as subject or content.Is it same with us?(?o?)PLEASE TELL ME!!!!///U///

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  • > Creektehgato Thank you,creek(give you a hug><)

  • well probably because you go to a different school our tests and scores and results are all different that explains why your art is so good though You're not a bad Chinese my Chinese is perhaps worse that yours gas 我们都是中文渣憋蛋心 ;u;

Tao 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

weekend again

I try to say English in there,,,Please tell me the grammar mistakes!!I think it will help my English be good!XD
My English teacher says my English composition too bad,I want to change it!now I am a 9th grade student,I need to learn chemistry.I don't like the chemistry teacher.when I asks she the problem about physics,she just say“I forget it”and don't see the problem.I think this problem is easy for her:(That's not good.
Next Friday and Saturday we have a test.The National Day holiday in Sunday that I can go to Anime fair with my friends,I feel exciting!!!!>v<
(I copied some from the translator.XoX)

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  • > Gasly Ok Don't translate

  • > Camisuke the Cat Translation make me don't understand more and more:( I want to be better that I can without translation

  • What kind chemestry teacher doesn't know what physics is!!!! Skksgsbbsjsisnkzoajshbsjxjxbichdhdohdjidjdbhhhhhdjidbdof Put translation if don't understand

weekend again

I try to say English in there,,,Please tell me the grammar mistakes!!I think it will help my English be good!XD
My English teacher says my English composition too bad,I want to change it!now I am a 9th grade student,I need to learn chemistry.I don't like the chemistry teacher.when I asks she the problem about physics,she just say“I forget it”and don't see the problem.I think this problem is easy for her:(That's not good.
Next Friday and Saturday we have a test.The National Day holiday in Sunday that I can go to Anime fair with my friends,I feel exciting!!!!>v<
(I copied some from the translator.XoX)

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  • > Gasly Ok Don't translate

  • > Camisuke the Cat Translation make me don't understand more and more:( I want to be better that I can without translation

  • What kind chemestry teacher doesn't know what physics is!!!! Skksgsbbsjsisnkzoajshbsjxjxbichdhdohdjidjdbhhhhhdjidbdof Put translation if don't understand

Tao 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!



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  • > Creektehgato 我很好!!!就是有点感冒qwq谢谢关心——wink

  • 天啊……没事吧?哎,反正这个月雨已经下不停了,风吹雨打的。good luck gasly!

  • > soyokaze art 谢谢关心……!><

  • ánimos seguro que todo mejorara :)

Tao 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!



다음화을 보기

  • > Creektehgato 我很好!!!就是有点感冒qwq谢谢关心——wink

  • 天啊……没事吧?哎,反正这个月雨已经下不停了,风吹雨打的。good luck gasly!

  • > soyokaze art 谢谢关心……!><

  • ánimos seguro que todo mejorara :)

Tao 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!



다음화을 보기

  • > Creektehgato 我很好!!!就是有点感冒qwq谢谢关心——wink

  • 天啊……没事吧?哎,反正这个月雨已经下不停了,风吹雨打的。good luck gasly!

  • > soyokaze art 谢谢关心……!><

  • ánimos seguro que todo mejorara :)



다음화을 보기

  • > Creektehgato 我很好!!!就是有点感冒qwq谢谢关心——wink

  • 天啊……没事吧?哎,反正这个月雨已经下不停了,风吹雨打的。good luck gasly!

  • > soyokaze art 谢谢关心……!><

  • ánimos seguro que todo mejorara :)