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The hollders
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The hollders
The hollders
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Melancholy Fall
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Muiloon avanced
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Re draw
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Iron Lungs
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Re draw
Re draw
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ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
Yandere simulator fanart
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Yandere simulator fanart
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Yandere simulator fanart
Yandere simulator fanart
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Maid Team Go! Go! Go! Ch. 2 Midori
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The meeting of Nekomata and Kuchisake- onna
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Rem and Ram
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pink doll
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Cat and little dog
Na Seok
He estado bastante planteándome como hacer los personajes de mi comic y porfin lo he logrado, claro que me faltan cosas como, agilisar el dibujo, aprender a hacer bien las viñetas, y demás, espero publicarlo y que les agrade.
Pieso tambien poder aprender a colorear mejor para tener una buena portada
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in honor of leafperson & adobo (she is not dead)
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Benedict Cumberbatch
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Fellow Thoughts Poster Batch 1