插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

fuck the state! fuck the state! im in love with the state! im in love with you! fuck the state!
Tajuk kita pada hari ini: * i d e a s

Woohoo another topic
So I recently found out what moodboards were, and they give me sm inspiration
I have ideas for the adopts now lmao
Also, schedule changed, so I get my tablet tomorrow instead of Saturday :/
*cries in I'll miss out on something my fam will be doing on Saturday cause of frickin school
Exams are next week so s t r e s s is up hahah


  • Ah the things we all have no matter what , d e p r e s s i o n and S t r e s s. I’m a 6-7th grader and I know what it feels like xD.

  • good luck tho eee-

  • o g a w d ogawdogawdogawdogawdogawdogawdogawdogawdogawdogawd o frickin gawwd *panic* eXaMs *panic*


i got my tablet confiscated (i think by the looks of it)
PTM came on, and my mom looked at the works i haven't passed up (huehue it was a l o t-)
so she's sorta making me finish all of em before i get my tablet back, which means i won't be able to draw
although i can still chat and comment, i'll be mainly focusing on completing everything
*looks at Malay and MIB works in the corner


  • frick i can relate qwq. I dont have school yet tho. Good luck with the assignments and stuff :D