Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

madZ_42ART left a comment!

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  • > madZ_42ART Awwww 😔

  • > Ephixa I miss my chickens 😔 my rooster is very handsome

  • A PERtY BAbY!!!! He is so handsome 😭 (I have 12 roosters 7 of them are babies ik we must get rid of them but they are amazing 🥺)

  • > madZ_42ART Awwww 😔

  • > Ephixa I miss my chickens 😔 my rooster is very handsome

  • A PERtY BAbY!!!! He is so handsome 😭 (I have 12 roosters 7 of them are babies ik we must get rid of them but they are amazing 🥺)

madZ_42ART left a comment!

Deleting posts

Instead of Privating all my posts here, I'm gonna delete them all instead. Turns out some drawings I've posted here got reposted in other places because when you post on medi they also put it on Google images, so the art is more likely to get stolen.
It is saddening that I have to delete everything, because I've been here for 4 years...
Topics might show up on Google too, might hafta delete most of them too

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  • I said but way too many times pFT-

  • > madZ_42ART Well, you've been on Artstreet for 4 years or something? That's a high chance of reposting your art- Insta was pretty recent, or maybe you've had it for a year now not sure anymore- XD But there is probably a higher chance of reposting on here, but your art will always get reposted as long as you post online. But if you'd like to transition completely to instagram then go for it!

  • > Muna Is Sketching... True, I feel like things will we less likely to be reposted on Instagram tho, cuz none of the things I've only posted there have been reposted 😭

  • I mean.. with things like this, it's sort of inevitable that people are gonna take your stuff, the more popular you get. If your goals though are just to draw for fun and for YOU, I understand that other people trying to profit from your stuff is uncomfortable. But if your goal is to get popular.. Stuff will get reposted, whether you're on Instagram, deviantart, wherever. Reposts don't really get popular anyhow unless you're SamDoesArts or something- If they're SELLING your art, then that's absolutely terrible and should have some sort of action against them, but reposts will happen, especially if you're good AND popular (which you are). But if online isn't your thing anymore then I understand, I just wanna let you know that these things are gonna happen no matter what popular site you're on. Anime gets reposted so much too..

Deleting posts

Instead of Privating all my posts here, I'm gonna delete them all instead. Turns out some drawings I've posted here got reposted in other places because when you post on medi they also put it on Google images, so the art is more likely to get stolen.
It is saddening that I have to delete everything, because I've been here for 4 years...
Topics might show up on Google too, might hafta delete most of them too

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  • I said but way too many times pFT-

  • > madZ_42ART Well, you've been on Artstreet for 4 years or something? That's a high chance of reposting your art- Insta was pretty recent, or maybe you've had it for a year now not sure anymore- XD But there is probably a higher chance of reposting on here, but your art will always get reposted as long as you post online. But if you'd like to transition completely to instagram then go for it!

  • > Muna Is Sketching... True, I feel like things will we less likely to be reposted on Instagram tho, cuz none of the things I've only posted there have been reposted 😭

  • I mean.. with things like this, it's sort of inevitable that people are gonna take your stuff, the more popular you get. If your goals though are just to draw for fun and for YOU, I understand that other people trying to profit from your stuff is uncomfortable. But if your goal is to get popular.. Stuff will get reposted, whether you're on Instagram, deviantart, wherever. Reposts don't really get popular anyhow unless you're SamDoesArts or something- If they're SELLING your art, then that's absolutely terrible and should have some sort of action against them, but reposts will happen, especially if you're good AND popular (which you are). But if online isn't your thing anymore then I understand, I just wanna let you know that these things are gonna happen no matter what popular site you're on. Anime gets reposted so much too..