일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


I've been here for 3 years and I think I haven't done a Q&A yet 🙂

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  • > mothgodx I've never used deviantart

  • Were you ever on DA before eclipse? I’ve been trying to use MediBang to fill the deviantart-shaped hole in my heart but it’s just not the same 😔

  • > madZ_42ART Those are some noice food choices 👌✨ Kiki's delivery service is just ✨ lol I have much love for that movie

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Hmm I like a lot of foods...like pizza, chow mein, rice, eggrolls, mashed potatoes, and more so I can't really decide on a favorite. The first anime I watched was a movie called Kiki's Delivery Service, but the first anime I got super interested in was Pokémon


When someone turns 16 why do people call it their "sweet sixteen"? Like wtf's so sweet about it? My 16th birthday was completely normal, so yeah.
Anyways i'm turning 18 in 6 months 💀👍 not gonna be a minor much longer (idk how to drive and I have no plans for my future)

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  • Parents call it a sweet 16 because it’s when you can drive and get a job. It’s more sweet for the parents because then they can get rid of their kids for longer since they’re working.

  • And it's 16 and not 18, because you can drive AND get a job (you can already get one at 13 or 14, but your hours change a HEAP)

  • It's called sweet 16 because it's basically like "Oh, my sweet little girl is getting so old!". Or/and it means that you're growing into adulthood, yet you're as sweet as a little girl. I thought it was when you get those riches tbh- XDD I thought it was a rich people thing-

  • 16th wasn't even normal, it straight up sucked fr 😔

How do we revive medi?

Medi has gotten really boring lately, and a lot of people have left this year. It used to be so lively last year and the years before that and I really miss it, I used to have lots of fun here. HOW DO WE REVIVE THIS COMMUNITY?????

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  • > madZ42_ART Maybe the merry joys of a Christmas art contest will get our dopamine up... XD

  • > Muna Sketches Google is useless sometimes fr 💀

  • Google you're not helping

  • > madZ42_ART I'm gonna ask Google how to start them- XD

Messy drawing + chickens

I finally got my current main sketchbook out of storage, before I got it back I had been using a small sketchbook but it's nice to use a bigger one again. (I started this sketchbook a year ago and im not even halfway finished 💀)
I also got some more of my art supplies out of storage like paint and markers, but most of my markers are still packed somewhere- I think they might be in the garage or something. I'll hafta get them soon cuz y'know what if they freeze during the winter????
Second picture is some chickens my mom saw on her way home from work.
I also got more of my figures and little trinkets and knicknacks out of storage, and my shelves are running out of space 💀

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