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Daina's Rescue

Daina was watching TV and heard the door knock, it was Amy Rose asking where Sonic is. Daina last saw Sonic in the mall, Fighting Shadow. She told him "Oh, I saw him in the mall". Amy thanks Daina and ran to the mall. Daina went back and watched TV. She was watching the news and changed the channel to her favorite show. She nodded off after 24 minutes. She woke up 5 minutes later and went to take a shower. She was getting ready for bed. All of a sudden, she heard a really loud noise. She ran out of the shower in a towel to see what the commotion was all about. It was a buffalo ramming into her neighbor's house. It looked really angry. She quickly ran into her house. She sighed in relief and went to bed. She went fast to sleep. Daina was dreaming of her and Prelatti together forever. In the morning, She ate breakfast and got dressed. "Oh my! I'm so early!" She said looking at the clock. She ran out the door and ran to the school building. She walked down the halls with her school uniform. While she was walking down the hall, she was thinking  about her love, Prelatti the blood Hedgehog. "DAINA!! DAINA!!!! DAINA!!!" yelled the mysterious voice. Daina turned around and it was her boss, Alexanderixia Magictler the cat. She is the CEO of a big modeling company. "Daine, we need your help, one of our fabulous models, Greenmcdona, is missing!" Said Alexanderixia. Greenmcdona Lishot the Rabbit is one of the most beautiful and one of the sweetest person of the entire company. "OH NOOOO!!!!!!!" Screamed Diana. Daina ran out of the school to rescue her friend. When she went into the mushroom caves  of Oceanside. All of a sudden she saw Green running away scared. Daina shrugged and followed her. 46 minutes later Green told the entire story of how a mycelium elf kept her captive and how she escaped. Daina was shocked and scared and held her "boyfriend" Prelatti tight.

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