Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m free
Story time part 2!

So as I said all the boys or alot of them thought i was there girl friend, so the teacher made me in a seat suronded by the ones that were least likely to be touchy. And Preston was one of them. (Ok not to get off topic or any thing but if you know the little kids show Sofia the first I had two bff called.......rubbie and jaid. I felt so sad when they were in sepret classes than me.) But when it was time to go outside to play the boys would flock around me like a zebra herd and there fawns. I tried everything to get away from them and all I got was a lot of crying from them. When I finally got them away it was so only 2 or one would be left by me when i tried to play with my bffs, but when it's the two or the one I remember it always being Preston. Every day when I got on the bus the kids would always start the song rock you. And I guess it's are reason bus drivers are mostly angry and want kids to keep it down! We give them a head ack! Well back to school! Tho it's not much.......... Who am I kidding! It's embarrassing!
While it was lunch time or breakfast time either one. Well Preston came over to me and asked if we could...........k......k.....k......kiss. omg already embarrassed typeing this! Well after a while I agreed and we went into the bathroom and closed the door and then it happened. (Oof first grade drama) and of course when we got out, kids will be kids, and be noisy, they found out and damanded that I kiss them to. Thank God the teacher came and I never did. But Preston after that followed me every were tho we never felt weird or lovey dovey we probably thought it was normal to kiss. But man it's embarrassing!
Sorry if you thought it would be more embarrassing!

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  • Well, oOF

Story time! I guess?

Ok thoughs of you that have had this happen to them....thank God I'm not alone! (Sorry XD) ok I was in school,first grade, and it was the begining of the school year but to my tiny and kid brain I thought it was a new daycare and ran around the halls till they made a rule that the first graders all should go strait to there class and stay there till the end of the day (well that what I thought back then anyways) you would think thats hell but when you have a class full of first graders they just put a tv in all the class rooms with cable man were we lucky! Every morning and afternoon you get to watch TV! We also had outside time every 2 hours. As well as having indoor bathrooms in are classrooms! But all that joy was to destract me from being the only girl in that classroom besides the teacher. Yup you need that right, the only! Girl! And most of the boys thought I was there girl friend! The only one back then that I actually thought as a "boy friend" was a boy named Preston. Man what a shorty he was but we all were at that age but I was the tallest of course. Two stars or likes for me to continue to the most embarrassing moments. Lol idk!

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  • Yup Ikr! X3

  • Man. I can't believe it. Lol Were you really the only girl in the class besides teacher.