일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

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✨the face reveal✨

it's just my eyes but i'll still call it a face reveal lol
1. first photo of 2022 (taken at 00:00)
2. Just returned from a snow fight back to school
3. Tried out eyeliner but i thought i looked too feminine and immediatly washed it off :'D

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  • > Issanka-san's thanks :DD

  • Your eye color is mesmerizing! This was brave of you to post a face reveal, I'm insecure and shy to do one.

  • > Dinosaurbean thank you so much :DDDD

  • Also cheers for being brave enough to do a face reveal, smh if I ever did a face reveal it would be on the dang Olympics because Ik I ain’t ever getting there XDDD Btw you are naturally pretty, and shouldn’t have to worry about makeup and, I don’t think you really looked feminine with the eyeliner, I you just looked pretty :3