插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

0 小時 / 日
I just realised

All the times i cried were caused by my parents (they told me something/they banned me from doing something that i love)
I wanted to self harm (i stopped myself) and it was because of my parents
I twitch randomly because of the anxiety my parents give me
If i told them that im asexual they'd say that its nonsense and asexuality doesnt exist
They are so homophobic that they didnt let me buy something because the item's company's owner's FRIEND was gay (HOW DID THEY FIND OUT-)


  • > DappletheAxolotl Ah thank you :) yeah and HOW DID THEY FIND OUT XD

  • why- why would they not let you buy something because of the company owners friend- thats just next level homophobic dude Also please never heart yourself Ice, your amazing dude. You will get through this, if you ever need anyone to vent to im happy to listen :)

  • The last one is funny tho XD

uh oh-

We were watching peter pen with my sister and when peter kissed wendy i said "id rather kiss a girl than a boy rn"
AND I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY IT LIKE THAT I MEANT IT LIKE THIS: id rather jump off a microwawe then kiss a boy, I MEANT IT LIKE THIS-
and my sister goes:
youre a l-lesbian..? (my whole family is homophobic)
And i said no bc im not a lesbian
And my sister said IM GONNA TELL MOM
ofc my mom will believe my sister no matter what she says

what the hell do i do

my parents arent home rn btw


  • > D🐉D yes i did distract her by telling her where mom hid her phone and i think she forgot it hehehe >:D

  • Try distracting them I said some things to my sister but got out of it by way of playing with them, giving them candy etc

  • > Cringe Ok

  • > Ice Ok, try "i meant that I rather kiss a woman or a toilet rather then Peter pan"


I noticed that from the moment that my parents told me that i am not allowed to watch dream team and others bc they support lgbtq+ (my parents are homophobic) i started randomly twitching (idk how to call it) for no reason. Like it happens when im eating, playing video games, reading, everything-


  • > Caty yes i understood

  • > Caty ^I mean can't do^

  • > Caty yep ;-;

  • It's so sad that you can do the things that you like or want bc of your parents (i feel that bc it has happened to me). I can't read yaoi Mangas bc my parents don't like it :c

  • > ꧁_ Great B)

  • I was thinking that you're art style is cute and that you were a bad bad bitch and I was like : "Yeah! I'm subscribe to her!" 😂🌚💅🏻

  • > astro I got a follow bc of my bday thats cool B)

  • > Cringe Awh thank you so much!!

Lol why-

I have a horrible headache (its a lil bit better now) and i didnt tell my mom bc she would say "thats bc of that phone". But IDK WHY she asked me if i have a headache and im like: yeah. And she blamed it on the phone
I literally used my phone + computer for about 2-3 hours, thats not that much


  • > Ice Lmao yeah I remember- Funny coincidences XD

  • > Cringe Yep, and what a coincidence, we talked about this yesterday-

  • Bruh same- I don't even use my phone for that long either and she's all like. "GET OFF OF THAT DAMN PHONE OR ELSE YOU'LL DAMAGE YOUR EYES MORE!!" like mother... it's been 30 minutes