Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

0 hours / Day

also yeah im back i couldnt access my phone or computer yesterday bc my parents didnt let me so now i woke up at 6 am, tried to serach for my phone but i didnt find it, so now i took my laptop which was taken away too. so:
When I say im going to ✨The Sea Of Lithuania✨, i mean im going to Palanga (a town where all tourists go). There is a bridge there, at the beach, if you want, you can go on it. so we went on it and i looked at the signs and drawings on the (idk how are they called but google translate says handholds/railings) AND HALF OF THE SIGNS WERE DREAM SMP QUOTES AND HALF OF THE DRAWINGS WERE DNF. at the end of the bridge there is a little paper piece so everyone could write their names AND THERE WERE SO MUCH DSMP DRAWINGS AAA. also there was a BEAUTIFUL Ranboo (his character) drawing and there was a sign Ranboo My Beloved <3
i wouldnt be suprised if it was america, but its Lithuania, you dont know how hard it is to find a person who knows Dream or Dream SMP
alright hope y'all doin alright, now ima go dissapear for a few hours
also sorry for the long topic

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i told my sister that im demiromantic and explained what it is (i didnt tell her that im asexual bc she wouldnt understand, shes very young) and she just looked at me with a disgusted look and she went to our mom and told her that im demiromantic, then told my dad. my mom didnt understand anything, my dad did understand what is demiromantic, but didnt realise that I AM demiromantic. i wasnt ready to come out to my whole family (they dont know that im asexual yet) but now they know that im demiromantic and i think they know that i can be attracted not only to boys. maybe they dont know, maybe they do, idk

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Maybe im just overreacting idk

1. My parents have been very strict this summer and they have been taking away my phone. And I was gone for 6 hours today, and you know what they said??? they said that i can use my phone/computer ONLY FROM 9 AM TO 11 AM. they think that i can do everything: scroll through art street a little bit, draw, play minecraft, watch youtube videos in 2 HOURS. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL OF THAT IN 2 HOURS??? Also i cannot use it earlier or later, only from 9 am to 11 am
Also i think i dont have any friends irl
Also my social anxiety is getting worse and worse
Also all of my panic attacks are asocciated with my parents
Also i have minor facial dysmorphia
Also i stress everyday for no reason
So yeah, i wont be on today at all and i wont be as active as always
Love y'all <3

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  • > pat I'LL MISS YOU TOO



I'll be honest

Seeing Ranboo's hands without gloves feels SO illegal-

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  • > Soccs yeah, of course :D

  • > Ice Could I add you to a group for a sec? I just wanna show you some stuff about my streaming profile plans and stuff. I'm just keeping a lot of the stuff secret from most of medi and I wanted to tell you my planned username and show you what my persona's gonna look like 👉👈

  • > Soccs ayyy :D

  • Oh, btw, I'm most likely going to get to start streaming! I just have to get a lot of homework out of the way first. So yay, maybe we'll be streaming buds!

I figured out how medi works-

If you dont post - your rookie rank will go up, you get more followers
If you post - you get nothing, your rookie rank goes down
If you post a really good drawing and it gets a lot of likes - you wont even get level 1
If you post a collab medi will take it down

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  • > pErSon yeah, i know that stuff but still :'D

  • 1. rookie ranks mostly depends on level ups 2. if you just posted the likes and stuff you get will be calculated into your rookie rank the next day 3. level 1-3 depends on views mostly in my opinion 4. they take it down because the collab has pictures(?) on it hope that helped lol

  • > Adya Mhm-

  • > ❄ᴀꜱʜ❄ Yep


So as I said, I'm going to ✨The Sea Of Lithuania✨ and I'll be in the car in 10 minutes and I asked my mom if she can put my phone in her bag bc I dont wanna risk losing it. And she said "you're not bringing your phone with you." i said why. She said that i dont need it. I asked how about the photos? She said that I dont need the photos.
I took photos every year and now she says i dont need them
Heh, cya tommorow bc I wont use my phone today-

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  • > pat Oo alright :0

  • > Ice i'll have you a gift for when you get back! :)

  • > pat agreed :'D also thanks :D

  • that is so unfair! but bye ice, have a nice day