This girl supports Abuse. and bullies people for accurate\good opinions for example she bullied someone bc they didn’t like her favourite YouTuber when that YouTuber is a pedo an abuser and a pornstar she has also cheated on her husband 4 times once with a 16 year old

I do mainly Genshin now
Twitter: @dogfox39
Tiktok: @Dogfox39
- Inking
- Traditional
- Digital
- Work Place::)
- Gender:Werewolf gender
Future goals
An Animator! I also to hope make my own series
Favorite music
Vocaloid and Utauloid!
I finished my first book!

Comment wut u think
If my DMS blow up.....
> Butter Very sis. Roro helped me a lot when I was in a dark place, so I get very offended when someone spits on her grave like that
Excuse me, That 3rd one is disrespectful
This is sooooo not cash money
> ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ Me too
That's very wrong on so many levels-
O-oh. I wonder how this will go.
I didn't get any money, thats sucksssssssss.
But I'm happy for everyone that did win!
I need you to like, fav, and comment.
I need bronze
also, here's a lil tip: when you look at a post, it has a button that says "share". If you click "copy link", the algorithm improves the chances of your artwork being more popular if it sees your link is being copied or shared. :)
I'm soon going to start doing commissions! I will come out with prices soon. I am doing customs and you can contact me 4 commissions on artstations pretty soon. I will only need to set it up.
Please keep in mind that this will not be under my email, rathers my father. So when everything is set up, and I open commissions, when you contact me, please, AND I SAY PLEASE, use professional and appropriate words.
My online store will open pretty soon, Around next week. So please hang on and when it comes out, support me! I need to make money so I can be independent from my family. I love them dearly, and I don't want them to use all there money on me. If I make my own, be able to buy the things I want, and give more gifts to my family.
Thanks for reading.
- Dogfox39.
> GrassyAvocado Oh wow, I can't wait to see them.
Yay! Me and my friend are starting an etsy shop soon (selling stickers), and it will all be under my dads bank account and PayPal and stuff. But Im excited to see ur commissions!!!
I guess this is still 2016 and I can't be a furry.
oop- well it was nice knowing you my dear sister
God dang it- Does this person know that dog spelled backwards if god?
> ˜”*°• shrug.png
guess i have to die-
me to the creator: Go commit not brethe
I feel violated
I relate to roro on a spiritual level so this hurts alot
I relate to roro on a spiritual level so this hurts alot
1st one: Lord why have u done this
2nd one: Why am I in this fan community
3rd one: Hey please don't romanticize suicide
k i l l m e n o w - *holds gun to head* k i l l m e n n o w p l e a s e : ' )
*Cries and screams*
*slams head against the wall*
> Spooky Oh no
Send this to hell
> Spooky Its called I Like It. I'm cringe
I sometimes wonder why some Gacha kids do this.
> UndertaleLover237 What do mean u like it, Its really cringe
This is a McDonald's
why do u have this peyton-
im glad u guys argee
yes officer, this post right here-
I wore Thigh highs, a white turtleneck, a skirt and, of course. A box on my head. I really like her, I'm going to call her Box-Chan
Tell me if u want more of her!
> nightmarefuel this video was sponsored by 4 Slice Toaster Oven
oh god
> nightmarefuel Box cha is my new fursuit. Fursuit for poor PEOPLEKJjbhvmsgdjMFabsvjd mdcrs5tew
If you pay attention to my page, you should notice that it says that I finished My first book.
Yes! On November 20th, a pre read, When Pups Fly: Book One will be on Tapas under Dogfox39!!
So now your saying, Dogfox - What's The Contest? That is easy 🅱hildren. If you notice, on Tapas, every novel has Book cover.
If you guessed that you are going to be making Book Cover you are correct!
Your Book cover must be
A. Kid Friendly
B. Must be well done, nothing sketchy or unfished.
C. Must Relate to the topic
D. I don't want the characters on the book, Though the main species will be fine.
E. Must have good color choice.
1st Place - One custom, One request, Official Art, and a sneak peak of When Pup Fly: Book One.
2nd Place - One Custom, One Request, and Official Art
3rd place - One Custom OR one Request, and Official Art.
It is due on November 20, the same day the pre read is coming out.
Have Fun
> Spooali-Spookychi! u can its fine
plz enter chirren. she wont let me cause were sisters
Link to summary:
Whats nasty and disgusting about this is that the gacha is about rape, and if you know Sadie's backstory........
> Mowochuwu ùwú
> Spooky Exactly, There should be other Gacha tik timers who should use Gacha for good :v And I agree :”vv
> Mowochuwu Yeah it's the boys looking at her that way. there's more to it, a boys comes in save her, BUT THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN MADE IN THE FIRST PLACE! DISGUTANG.
> Spooky Is it because of the characters in the background :”vv Ye me to :”V
> Whoruntheworld yes
Can I still play???
Hello 🅱️hildren, Dogfox39 here.
You guys may have wondered where I have gone, and why your request have not been finished. Fist of all, I'm sorry. I shouldn't not left without giving a topic or something.
Second of all, if you look at my info, it will say that I'm am battling social anxiety and depression. That is true. I have been really stressed out and down. I have been really tired and have been having insomnia. I have been working on that.
About artwork, I'm working on something right now , and I have doodling. I'm actually working on a animation on scratch. I'm redoing my GOD AWFUL emotional meme. About the contest, Im am pushing back to the end of November, however there will be a pre-read out for When Pups Fly on November 20th. The book will come out on my birthday.
As for Request, I was thinking on mashing all the request into one Halloween Drawing. Is that okay? if you don't want your drawing in the halloween, I can take it out, and just give you a normal request. You can still get A request in, however, requests will stop at the end of the week.
Thank for reading my 🅱️hildren
Love You
> nightmarefuel Ummmmmm, Im not sure, tho It the most popular on my channel.
> ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ I feel like I do tho. It rude to disapeer like that. But thanks
You have no reason to apologize over your disappearance, you and your health comes first. Good luck with your projects and your mental health. Take care!
Oh shit I forgot about the Emotional meme Isn't it one of the first original animation memes?
You will be missed, you where a great artist.
i will join!
ASDFGHJKL! Pat was the imposter!?
DogFox, DON'T look at my name on the group list or else you'll get more proof-
> cat exactly
> Dogfox39 Idk, maybe it's just slow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> monrura but they promise new people level every day
> Dogfox39 Yea, I guess no one did...
> monrura but I didn't see anbody level up.
Your cursed
I'm doing requests for 71 followers!
> Dogfox39 Ok, cool.
> Dogfox39 one per person okay
> [ Sure, but I'm doing one person
> [ Sure, but I'm doing one person
very poggers.
Nice 😏
> Ali-chi! very
Here u go
Didn’t mean to send it twice oof
My one of my Old scratches
Looking fabulous:D
Looking really awesome!
Damn, u looking fabulous.
> Ali-Chi! U shut up I look cute