Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


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philza headcanons

the idea is that he has this like sleeveless bodysuit made of some extremely durable material that he wears underneath a grey cloak (aka his cape)

the cloak's purpose is that it's layered in a manner of which he can tuck his wings underneath it without it
a) being awkward for the wings
b) looking like he's hiding wings

he has another green jacket that he either
a) just wears around the house and over his body suit
b) ties around his waist or something

and then theres obviously the hardcore heart

he wears bandages around his arms and under his sleeves mostly to cover up any scars he's gotten in the past and also so that he has a form of extra grip

what i have planned for his pants is that they can do that like unzip thing?? where they go from pants to shorts. this is mostly for when he cant fly and he has to wade through mud, water, etc

and then his classic sandals, which i need to learn how to draw

something i have planned for his like overall appearance is to tie in more bird factors into his appearance because hes the bird man

probably things like longer and sharper nails, but also more visible things like feathers in his hat and maybe if i figure out how to do it i can have some feathers where beard would normally grow

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