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parappa headcanons that are 100% true

definitely true not clickbait

>katy kat never wears bras
>matt uses the word "poggers" all the time
>PJ once tricked parappa into eating pot brownies
>sunny likes girls more than she likes guys
>colonel noodle regularly references "chinese" (like,, all the time)
>literally everyone is gay. everyone. deep down, they are all homos
>Fleaswallow, PJ and Mushi smoke weed together
>gatser and groober still hang out with the masked witch from Ep28
>Guru ant was never shrunk back to his original size so he's just hangin out in PaRappa's house all the time
>Cheap Cheap is an ex-con because she gave crack cakes to minors in the past
>also, the crack in the seafood cake made sunny think PaRappa was being manly when he really just had to take a huge shit
>Teriyaki Yoko is non binary

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