Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


For coding I have google-
For reasons why someone would have to cut their foot off I have Bella-

Everything I need is right in the palm of my ratty hand

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  • > tamuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh- I have absolutely no clue interpret it however you want I guess

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 all

  • > tamuu Explain which part? The foot or the coding?

  • can you please explain my brain won’t work

  • Oh- If anyone saw this we needed to get my friend's cell model onto the slides so I put it on here.. I also got on it on her chromebook and was like "Don't look!" and she was like "don't want me to see your drawings huuuuuh"


So, for Friday's E-learning we had to write what we were going to do over the weekend (shh I totally did it then shhh totally) But so for Sunday I wrote "First off, we have church." And it auto corrected to "First off, we have a church." And honestly I wish I owned a church that would be pretty cool..

Idk I thought it was funny- also I have a new favorite set of songs and I hope it never changes they are so good- Especially when there is no one in the room so you can turn it up ALL THE WAY
although I might be deaf- my headphones may be a little busted, but they can still play music

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Oh- Cool!

I am starting to understand why people have a specific song person they listen to the most.
Like I decided I'm gonna try it and so far I have had like one song I didn't like because I didn't realize that when you click shuffle play on a specific person it would go to other people, cause it sure don't do that with my liked songs...
But yeah, I think I get it and it's weird it took me this long
Like I usually like one song and then hate the rest.. as case for most songs unless it's fnaf songs then I just hate their songs that aren't fnaf
Anyway the song that has been stuck in my head for like.. 3 hours is on so ima shut up lol ;)

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Sometimes I wish I could animate for the sole purpose of a song giving me ideas that you can't put into a single drawing..
Gosh it kills me, every good song does this to me

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  • > ❣🌸🌺HuaLian_Flowerprince🌺🌸❣ Aw fish

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 No.

  • > ❣🌸🌺HuaLian_Flowerprince🌺🌸❣ Does it count I could probably make an extremely blobby and terrible looking man move across a screen?

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 You and are not the same i can animate and you cant expect we both procrastinate


This literally is terrifying
I promise you nothing I've said about this ghost is fake.. Like I'm even recording my screen as we speak so if anything happened, we would catch it
Like we caught another thing being moved and neither of them went near the bookshelf.. Like that whole corner is just screwed

And this is coming from a person that doesn't believe that their is a ghost unless I have extremely valid proof.. (I would say I don't believe in them but you can persuade me of anything with enough logical truth and I like to keep my brain open to paranormal things)

Annnd we just saw something on her camera and oh my gosh I swear it looked like a cross

Mmm nightmares I wish I wasn't sick today

Update while I'm still typing this oh my gosh it was the reflection of her cross we were so scared.. Fish I am glad I ain't got no ghost in my house

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  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 Ehh well on the bright side I'm not the one in danger so it's more to me like a game of Phasmphobia except if I knew the character personally and if they died they died forever

  • oh gosh XD sounds scary

  • I am so relieved to have one of the things be explained this is good for once :/ Of course today was the day I couldn't go to church cuz I was sick Mmm and yet here I am panicking about a ghost even tho this could be an extremely extremely elaborate 3 am gone wrong prank

Uh.. Ghost people help?

So anyone who knows anything about ghosts.. You don't have to believe in them nesicarially just have more knowledge than an idiot

So my friend apparently has a ghost that follows her/her family and one time her sister had a dream where the ghost was telling her to kill my friend and that my friend owes her something...
Is there a way we can ask the ghost what it wants/ why it wants my friend dead?
We need the experts here I am willing to share all I know about ghost child and what they have seen in all of their houses
There are more stories about her and all of her family, even her grandma had seen her
I'm not sure if I fully believe her but her stories are way to consistent to be fake and her sister had a tik tok about her dead mirror flashing

We also don't have access to a ouiji board or I would have already suggested that to my friend

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  • > J͓̽ i͓̽ n͓̽ J͓̽ i͓̽ n͓̽ Oh we are well aware of her presence Mrs I like to move things so subtly that we can only tell by taking pictures

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 Probably just making her presence known, they can take things too, just tell them to put it back if that happens

  • > J͓̽ i͓̽ n͓̽ J͓̽ i͓̽ n͓̽ Is it supposed to mean something when all the pictures in the room are sideways when they weren't before Or is that just something she decided to do

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 alrighty, still recommend using the other methods too


Why is this on the test?

Like, it makes sense why this is right but gosh has it occured to you teachers that logic isn't a normal thing with seventh graders gosh

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  • HAHAH I CHECKED MY GRADES AND I HAVE ALL A's AND THEN THE TESTS ARE C's PFfff- the guy gives us easy homework and then completely unrelated questions for the test stuff we never learned

  • Is it bad that I this is one of the like.. two questions I actually got right.. Like everyone does bad in this class except one of the smart kids.. LIKE EVEN MY FRIEND WHO IS IN HIGH MATH FOR EIGHTH GRADE DOES BAD.. This class is hardddd

Oh my gosh

The first Fnaf came out when I was in kindergarten-

What the what

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  • > 🔹️ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴋᴀɪᴛᴏ 🔹️ I think one of the weirdest parts is how popular it was then I remember very well in kindergarten the people I sat behind on the bus I secretly watched play their weird fnaf fan games.. They would always talk about Chica and all I can remember that was on their screens was a pizzeria floor

  • Its weird to know how long its been since fnaf came out like The first game came out when i was in 3rd grade and Its insane