イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


So because I am an idiot and just had a whole thing involving my last name, and I've said my first name many times here
I googled my name to see if anything came up.. AND IT DID
It was one thing and was about a canned food drive like our school does EVERY YEAR
But I know it was me because right after it said the dude who has the locker under me's name.. Mr.Tall man with the bottom locker

Just gonna say the tall guy has the bottom locker and the short idiot has the top one, It doesn't work out well for my arms lets just say that


Ohhhhh my gosh

Im doin it..
I have a fear of talking to literally anyone who isn't one of my friends so this is freaking me out for no reason

jnfjnjda nightmares guys, nightmares
This is why I don't comment on things unless I know you won't hate my guts


  • > Muna Sketches A report form to kahoot to see if I can use my name ever again.. Because I almost had to write a two page paper instead of playing kahoot today because my lastname isnt useable.. And its not like cocks or something understandable.. Its some german nonsense I can't even pronounce

  • What are you err writing? XD

  • I feel like I need a college degree in writing emails before I can do this

Soup Rat: The Search for Afton

The Turkey Lord made a special appearance in the first pic lol :)
This is cracking me up, I am honestly having so much fun... So a joke between me and the turkey.. Because I sent the maps location for Hurricane Utah..
And it's a race to find Afton
I'm clearly going to win, I mean I am the expert at Afton >:) and I ain't to weak to stop at Wendy's


  • > Cringe Official{Turkey Lord🦃} 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 >:]]]]]

  • > Cringe Official{Turkey Lord🦃} :( no

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 NOOO U *hold up card*


So we were playing Kahoot in class, and my teacher said it had to be last names..
So I type mine in..
He kicks off a player with one of Kahoot's made up names
I have to re-sign in
One of Kahoots made up names joins..
I look at my screen
It was me

So basically so I don't have to repeat it the like five times it did it.. Kahoot wouldn't allow my last name so I had to raise my hand and say that (eggh talking) and since I was a good kid he believed me..So after like 5 tries I ended up playing as "AmazingGoat82" Which I guess it was kinda funny..
So yeah, I'm going to go google what my name means now to see if it got banned for a reason
(It's not English so I don't know what it means)


  • I'm increasingly angered at this, it kicked me out for no reasoooonnn

  • Ok, now I'm confused.. It's German..but it literally doesn't mean anything bad And I didn't get kicked out because it's German because my friend Hannah has a German last name (i think it is i dont remember what hers is) SO WHY DID I GET TURNED INTO A GOAT!?!?!?


So at lunch they handed out flyers for some random thing (shh i have 4 in my pocket rn)
and me and my friend were fooling around and saying my other friend's full name and mother (squarehead' mother basically) and he turned and looked eventually and it was funny cuz we weren't ready

Anyway main thing i wanted to say was those fliers I am now going to write "burn the rich and feed the poor on the back" because that is now our cause as some twisted robin hood
We are spreading

Oh yeah and Ima get a captain underpants book and call it "the holy scriptures" because we were saying that

Because every cause needs a religion apparently
idk it's like every shred of sanity we had always evaporates by the end of lunch and it's halarious


*breaks window*

So we were playing a game involving paper
So I was doodling on mine, and I drew dash

My sister proceeds to call me a furry
Then less than a minute later my brother yells loudly "SHE'S DRAWING AN ANIME GIRL" and repeats it

This is why I only draw stickmen around my family and I always hide stuff from them
If I do anything where they can see it, they make fun of me


  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 The day that happens is the day they become blind

  • bruh ;w; art is art, stop making fun of it, pEOpLE-


toyhouse is way too confusing for my feeble mind
Like.. man I can't even handle it
There are so many buttons I can push and things I can customise kinda and it's like.. WHAT

And i cant test anything out cuz like what if i screw something up and don't know how to fix it, which I would do

Dang it


  • > ~🍄~ Kinoko ~🍄~ Exactly

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 nononnononoonnononoon

  • > ~🍄~ Kinoko ~🍄~ Saying wha is like asking for me to say it and I'm not sure you want that

  • > 🐇 Glitchrat 🐀 O-O w h a


So uh.. A friend who I've ignored their texts for like a week because yes... And they just texted me asking me if I was ok
And I hate how I never tell anyone anything like they ask me that and I'm like "yup definitely totally no being sad or anything idk what that is"

Like man I'm literally the comic relief of a friend and I'm just too freaked out to tell anyone anything else cuz like..

Like for real the other day my friend Hannah asked me if my family thought she was weird and I was like "well I mean they do but they don't like... Ah" because I'm to scared to tell her that the first time my mom picked me up from her house she spent the whole way home telling me about how weird they were

And I couldn't even argue cuz like.. I'm not gonna go debating with my mother

Basically I'm kinda just scared to tell anyone anything so I just pretend to be stupid

Like I always pretend to forget when my friends ask me what grade I got or something because I'm scared they think I'm an idiot and don't trust me or something

Stupid bran hiding things



So random but I really want to say something stupid because I may or may not have friended a bunch of strangers

But I need like a really stupid middle aged person who doesn't know how to use Facebook kind of post

And it needs to be funny..

Does anyone have any idea?
It also can't be "my dog died" with a birthday thing because I don't want to deal with comments about dead dogs

So yah anyone got anything?


  • I'm slightly debating tagging my mother then going "do I know you" but I think that would confuse her