Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Adopts and requests are open! Message me if you are interested
My first night in animal crossing nh

So yeah I got a switch lite and animal crossing for Christmas-
If y’all wanna friend me I’ll put my info below
My user; DappleAxo
My friend code: 4889 2208 7874
My animal crossing name: Pluto
My animal crossing island name: Starbank


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  • > Soulever Yep, I don’t get why they need to have the membership. The console was $300 so it should come with everything.

  • > Soulever That sucks :( I don’t think u could come to my island since I don’t have switch online yet

  • > pErSon Thank you! My starting villagers are Hamlet and Pashmina, they’re both decent but my dreamie is Zucker. Tomorrow I’m going to try find him, I probably won’t tho ;w;

  • Congrats!! Acnh is great :DD Who are your starting villagers if you don’t mind me asking?? :0


I am currently in the process of making a custom deck of playing cards!
If you would like to suggest your own Axolotl Oc to be on one of the cards let me know in the comments!
You must give info on its appearance and it must be an Axolotl
I will announce who will get there Oc on a card later and I will post each fan requested card when I am finished with it

Also, HUGE apologies for not being very active ;-;
I have been very busy recently and haven’t found time draw :c
I will try to get back to posting multiple artworks a day in the near future

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For some reason MediBang took down my artwork saying I didn’t know what to draw-
They said it didn’t go with there terms of service or something but there was nothing wrong with it ;w;

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  • > pErSon I’ll make sure to be careful :>

  • > pErSon Oh yea that was probably it- I completely forgot I put that there lol- That’s for letting me know - :D

  • Did they take down the gacha pic? If so it’s cuz it wasn’t a drawing, and yea just post that stuff in topic Be careful about that stuff because if medi takes down too many of your pic you might get frozen!! D:

  • Maybe those stuff are supposed to be in topic? not sure, Like you post it like this post u made