插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Adopts and requests are open! Message me if you are interested

school fucking starts again for me tomorrow- well today ig its 2 in the morning
yayyy time to go back to ✨nervous breakdowns✨ ✨panic attacks✨ ✨constant mental strain✨ ✨crying myself to sleep✨ and so much more :DDDD
its mainly bc of homeschooling but normal school is just as bad, plus we have a new shitty teacher for the rest of term bc our other GOOD teacher is having a child, this bitch was trained to be a sub not an actual teacher
I wanna die


  • i started last month wh

just remembered I have 100 followers adopts to finish
they were supposed to be done ages ago


  • > DappletheAxolotl oh that's good lol yeah i was worried- could not imagine trying to draw that many- gl with them! and dw we understand getting behind on projects it's a-ok

  • > Leieryx ack I worded that wrong its adopts to celebrate getting 100 followers, not drawing 100 adopts thats way to many drawings for me- TwT

  • um woah that's a lot of adopts-

  • Bruh I feel ur pain I have watt pad one shots that were due a month ago 😭😭😭


Theres a bunnch mmore spots openn for the mminecraft MediSMP so if you wanna join just comment youur gammertag and I wwill add you I guuess-
Also yall cann start nnations and stuuff if youu wwant (I've alrready started onne lol)
therres like 25 mmore spots openn I think, I cann add mmore if I nneed to tho
ALso thheres a mmember on the server thats nnot fromm Medi, her nnames Pheobe annd youu mmight see hher onn the serverr a bit-


  • Oop I forrgot to add that thheres a discorrd serrver forr all the mmembers - https://discord.gg/DCSW8XgR its not required to joinn it thho lol

  • > DappletheAxolotl Lol I may or may not have let my friend choose my gamer tag

  • > DappletheAxolotl Ty :)

  • > Max. yea thhats all good :)

hah (kinda vent I guess)

I juust rread a thhing on how I wwas innsane and a sociopath thhat conntributes nothing to society and a ton of other shit like that over something I have little to nno conntrol overr :DD
There arre so mmany arrticles and shhit talking abouut me like imm nnot evenn fuucking hhuman
I wwould rrather nnot talk abouut why
evenn on medi imm scarred to get backlashh abouut it

is it rreally thhat bad? amm I rreally as innsane as they say I amm? Is thhe onnly rreasonn I still hhave friennds is becauuse Imm commpletely isolated fromm them??

ack, thhis probably doesnnt make sennse wwithout context haha-

I'll trry post mmore arrt soonn :)


  • > Soulever Ty Soulever :) And I dont at all feel like this because we dont talk much, your always there for me no matter what, even if we dont talk much I'll always see you as a friend Its more a dark personality trait of mine that im worried my irl friends will stop talking to me because of- thhats all I rrlly wwanna say abt it rn But dude your an amazing friend and I appreciate you so much :)

  • > moxxie‼️ Thanks Moxxie :) I thinnk imm good noww thho, I juust wwanted to get thhis off mmy chhest cauuse it wwas mmaking me rrlly angry-

  • if you need to you can dm me and talk about it, if you still need to get more off your chest or just rant :]

MediSMP info!

The SMP server is now up!
there is one slight problem-
I have to be in the world in order to allow other people to join, since im on bedrock I have to pay each month in order for it to constantly be joinable and I dont have much cash
I will try to keep it up for a decent amount of time each day tho, I'm happy to juust runn it inn the backgrouund of my laptop :)
Apart from that it should be all good-

How to join-

Just write your gamertag in the comments and I will add you!
My gamertag is DappleAxolotl btw-
If there is any problems or something let me know and I can try fix em-

this servers probs gonna become chaos-


  • > DappletheAxolotl Thanks a lot, you're super kind of doing this for us bruh

  • > ɘƨυɒƧɘmoƨɘwA Alight, you shouldd hhave received an innvite, if nnot I can resennd it

  • > DappletheAxolotl coolio!

  • > Kdragonair I'll add youu noww :)