Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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probably pissing

monfraser_ left a comment!


so 6 hours ago (12:35am) i was watching a tiktok ab when someone took a fat shit w/o knowing there was no toilet paper and i laughed so hard i got a rlly bad cramp on the back of my shoulder close to my neck
i have school in 3 hours and i havent slept bc of the pain
its 5:35am
and i def wont be making it to school
i love cramps

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  • > shr0oms._zyx thats not good at all- fuck idk what to do if u havent go get it checked out

  • > bee i got ice and put it on for an hour and took tylenol it still hurts like hell and my mom said it feels like the bone is way bonier than the rest of my body i wouldnt be shocked if it was broken

  • > shr0oms._zyx put water in the freezer i thought thats what everyone did- lmao

  • > bee my ice machine is broken and its 6:08am my parents gon be ver confused

monfraser_ left a comment!


so 6 hours ago (12:35am) i was watching a tiktok ab when someone took a fat shit w/o knowing there was no toilet paper and i laughed so hard i got a rlly bad cramp on the back of my shoulder close to my neck
i have school in 3 hours and i havent slept bc of the pain
its 5:35am
and i def wont be making it to school
i love cramps

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  • > shr0oms._zyx thats not good at all- fuck idk what to do if u havent go get it checked out

  • > bee i got ice and put it on for an hour and took tylenol it still hurts like hell and my mom said it feels like the bone is way bonier than the rest of my body i wouldnt be shocked if it was broken

  • > shr0oms._zyx put water in the freezer i thought thats what everyone did- lmao

  • > bee my ice machine is broken and its 6:08am my parents gon be ver confused


so 6 hours ago (12:35am) i was watching a tiktok ab when someone took a fat shit w/o knowing there was no toilet paper and i laughed so hard i got a rlly bad cramp on the back of my shoulder close to my neck
i have school in 3 hours and i havent slept bc of the pain
its 5:35am
and i def wont be making it to school
i love cramps

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  • > shr0oms._zyx thats not good at all- fuck idk what to do if u havent go get it checked out

  • > bee i got ice and put it on for an hour and took tylenol it still hurts like hell and my mom said it feels like the bone is way bonier than the rest of my body i wouldnt be shocked if it was broken

  • > shr0oms._zyx put water in the freezer i thought thats what everyone did- lmao

  • > bee my ice machine is broken and its 6:08am my parents gon be ver confused

monfraser_ left a comment!

storytime bc wtf <3 cw//

so i started getting health classes at school in 5th grade at my elementary school and i was in 5th during covid now im in ms and i had to do school in the living room bc my parents fucking hate me its obvi who the fav is man anyways i did health in the living room and we were required to tell our parents our schedules so they can help and my dad started laughing when i said health and posted an image of me in health learning shit i already knew and sent it to my mum, my brother and my fucking aunts uncles and grandparents. what the fuck??

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  • > Cringe yeah..

  • > shr0oms._zyx Dang :/ people still say that? I thought we all decided to leave that shit back in 2017 or something. I don't really vent anymore because people are going through much more worst stuff then me.

  • > Cringe mhm when i vented to my irl friends they said shit like "L" n shit and im so sick of their bullshit but theyre all i have

  • Damn that's rude. :/

monfraser_ left a comment!

storytime bc wtf <3 cw//

so i started getting health classes at school in 5th grade at my elementary school and i was in 5th during covid now im in ms and i had to do school in the living room bc my parents fucking hate me its obvi who the fav is man anyways i did health in the living room and we were required to tell our parents our schedules so they can help and my dad started laughing when i said health and posted an image of me in health learning shit i already knew and sent it to my mum, my brother and my fucking aunts uncles and grandparents. what the fuck??

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  • > Cringe yeah..

  • > shr0oms._zyx Dang :/ people still say that? I thought we all decided to leave that shit back in 2017 or something. I don't really vent anymore because people are going through much more worst stuff then me.

  • > Cringe mhm when i vented to my irl friends they said shit like "L" n shit and im so sick of their bullshit but theyre all i have

  • Damn that's rude. :/

storytime bc wtf <3 cw//

so i started getting health classes at school in 5th grade at my elementary school and i was in 5th during covid now im in ms and i had to do school in the living room bc my parents fucking hate me its obvi who the fav is man anyways i did health in the living room and we were required to tell our parents our schedules so they can help and my dad started laughing when i said health and posted an image of me in health learning shit i already knew and sent it to my mum, my brother and my fucking aunts uncles and grandparents. what the fuck??

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  • > Cringe yeah..

  • > shr0oms._zyx Dang :/ people still say that? I thought we all decided to leave that shit back in 2017 or something. I don't really vent anymore because people are going through much more worst stuff then me.

  • > Cringe mhm when i vented to my irl friends they said shit like "L" n shit and im so sick of their bullshit but theyre all i have

  • Damn that's rude. :/

monfraser_ left a comment!