일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

0 일 / 일
probably pissing
im scared to tell them

im scared to come out
im scared to say i like all genders
im scared to be told im doing it for attention
im scared to be called a copy-paste of my brother
im scared to have that conversation
im scared to be told im too young to know
im scared

다음화을 보기

  • You should take your time, and come out once you feel comfortable!

  • Nothing will ever be easy. Everything will always have that scare factor or that piercing anxiety, as it's normality for these situations. But listen, if *they* don't accept you, everyone here does. I'm not good at words, but, if you ever want to talk about it I have tricks to help anxiety and I'll always listen if you feel the need to vent. Remember: "Everything will be alright in the end. And if it's not, it's not the end." - 2D

i hate this (vent)

my toxic friends just laughed at me embarrassing myself in front of the whole class even though i made it very clear i was breaking down and at one point they said "you're just so overreactive it doesn't matter" well fucking clearly it does if im breaking down and my teacher is asking me to turn my camera on and im crying and i cant listen to music to calm me down
why does nobody ever listen to me

다음화을 보기

  • > beenyz Hope you feel better :)

  • > 🌙ボバ🌙 ty <3

  • > beenyz I fell like punching these toxic friends rn too >:) They don't deserve you anyways >3

  • > Ice im sorta better but im still crying and im out of the argument with my toxic friend thankfully but now im more fragile than a glass of water filled to the brim so that's bad