插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Im bored so heres a question thing

What do you guys think of me as?
Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible
Also spring break has started for me already and i almost fell asleep like 6 times on the bus ride home today woops
Also me and this kid in my science class were just laughing to tears about random memes and they even drew a bunch of cruddy megamind characters on my balloon that we were using for a lab lmao
And here's a meme that i love with all of my heart


  • >anon Lmao its actually Mami, which is like the Latino version of Mommy

  • > Melonman is back! Awww thankies frendo <333 i think ur a fabulous child too

  • i think that u are a fabulous child ^3^

  • > Hue-Child Ikr xD And thanks so much MY DOOD!!!


So here's the sunday kylo doodle and a lil announcement too!
(The announcement will only make sense if u know basic harry potter stuff)
So on Friday i finally took the Pottermore quizzes that say what house I'm in, what my Patronus is, and what my wand is. So i found out that my Patronus is a red squirrel (a bit dissapointing tbh) and that my wand is an English Oak wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12' 3/4", and surprisingly swishy flexibility.
And i found out the most important thing: what house im in.
I'm a Hufflepuff!!! Im actually really happy about being a Hufflepuff, although others may say its the worst house to get in (Hufflepuff is the most underrated house)
And here's the Sunday Kylo Doodle, which is Kylo as a cat. Im honestly really happy with how this came out :)


  • Hehe thanks anon Its a cat not a xolo dog but xolo dogs are so heccin cute!!

  • > markus Ikr!! And that's so cool!

  • aw hes so cute!! also im a ravenclaw uvu

  • > Creektehgato Thanks Creek! Hello gryffindor im hufflepuff! (Yep gryffindor is pretty hard to spell lol)

About today

Its still March 22nd where I am, so i should do this while I can
**Originally, i was planning on posting my finished traditional drawing for today, put unfortunately medibang is being stupid and keeps flipping my picture horizontally and the picture has pretty cruddy lighting so i might as well post it tomorrow :/ **
So it's been five years since My Chem has broken up. Recently i found out that i was on a fun field trip on the actual break up date lol.
And ive been listening to every song they did ever today (im almost done, currently on s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w) while i was working on the drawing i mentioned earlier. Honestly, even though i barely started listening to mcr last summer, I've been getting pretty emotional about the breakup anniversary today. I miss them, but i honestly believe that it was the best thing for them to end the band. Especially because of how they're truly happy and healthy right now. And if Gerard, Mikey, Frank, and Ray are happy, then I'm happy. :)
(Weirdly enough,they played that song by Taylor Swift that goes "WeeEE ArE nEVer EvEr EveR gETtiNg bAcK toGEthEr" at school today)
MCR is my second favorite band, and although they're not around as a band anymore, they continue to inspire me every day. Their songs make me feel better and they're there for me if i need them, whether it be because i'm in a good mood or a not so good mood. The fact that they saved so many lives and still continue to do so just shows how amazing they are. And this whole post is really messy sorry im not too good at explaining my feelings well
"Art is the weapon. Your imagination is the ammunition. Stay dirty, and stay dangerous. Create and destroy as you see fit."
- My Chemical Romance


  • > Banana Cat frls!

  • > Melonman is back! Its a rly good song am i rite?

  • > markus Same, and thanks I dont know the specific details as to why they broke up, but i think it was due to the drug/alcohol problems that Gerard was having, and I guess most of them just didn't feel the need to continue as a band anymore

  • omg I've been listening 2 scarecrows 2 TOT

Insert title here cuz idk what to put

Ehhh this is all just gonna be random stuf but here goes
1) 69 FOLLOWERS?!?! What the actual hecc I barely got 60 like last week! How am I getting followers so fast?? Besides the confusion, I'm still very grateful for this huge amount! (And now it's cursed since its 69 ehehhehe)
2) I'm working on quite an important drawing for an important day this week woops (if you know what day I'm referring to, KUDOS TO YOU) But yea you'll see what it is eventually ;)
3) here's a doodle of my oc Heath
The tattoos were just a random idea I had and so I just added them (there's meaning to some of them so far!) I'll be sure to add some more in the future
Ok bye
Have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you


  • > LocalDreamer Ikr lmao And thanks! I was honestly pretty lazy with them, but I'm glad that u like them! :)

  • > Chérie Lol thanks!

  • > markus Thankies!

  • 69's always the lucky number.... lucky you! I really like those tattoo designs too :0

2 doodles!

So of course theres the Sunday Kylo Doodle, which is in traditional style this time, and an extra doodle from yesterday!
Friday was a good day, cuz i finally got the Micron drawing pens that I've been wanting for a couple of months, so I tried them out this weekend! I really like the end results of both doodles, and I'm still realy glad that i finally got these pens yay
Behold flower crown Kylo and the small Totoros :)


  • > markus Thanks mother :'))) <333

  • > □♢■YE SEUL IS AN ALIEN■♢□ Thank you so much!!

  • > TheWizard Thank you agshwvajsbaadf

  • oh my lord these are so amazing :')))


Even tho im already working on 2 drawings, i dont really feel like finishing them that soon enough lol
So i decided to do requests!
I'll only do three and here are the requirement thingies:
- since these are just gonna be doodles or something like that, the request can't be too detailed
- no innapropiate stuf (you know what i mean)
- they can be pretty much anything except for buildings or cars cuz i really suck at drawing those
So if u want to request me something, keep the requirement thingies in mind and comment down below! I'll only do the first three i get (if i get any, that is).


  • > markus Awwww i love sheepdogs! I'll draw one!

  • > □♢■YE SEUL IS AN ALIEN■♢□ Ooh sounds fun! I'll do it!

  • a sheepdog? honestly any dog would work, after seeing you post your oc im just curious to see what other breeds would look like in your style ;P

  • Draw your OC (or if u don't have one, draw a random person) ridding a fat unicorn drinking red bull Wutt is wrong with me? XD

Just some stuf

I got another fine addition to my collection, my CD collection that is. I got "Selfish Machines" by Pierce the Veil, and this is my very first PTV album! I've already heard the first song and I loved it, and i still have yet to listen to the whole album.
Also, here's this week's Sunday Kylo Doodle, which features Kylo and BB9E (even though I perfer the name BBH8 lol)
Not important, but i bought some earbuds at Target and I tried to see if i could buy The Last Jedi novelization, but they didn't even have it!! ಠ╭╮ಠ oh well
That's about it, so have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you!


  • > markus I really wish i could give you some of my CDs And thanks so much ^_^

  • like ive said many times before, i am jealous of both your collection of cds and your talent. keep being a cool dood, my dood

  • > Melonman is back! thankio!

  • coolio!


I copied Night T.s latest MySpace post to help spread the word since I don't have a Twitter account! Here it is:

So, on Twitter, I entered the Draw BT21 contest. The winners will win a plushie of one of the characters. The winner is decided on popularity. The thing about that, I don't use my twitter account unless I am retweeting this from BTS and all that so I have no followrs to even see my stuff, I NEED HELP.
Because I don't use my account, I have a low chance of even being noticed, so I need you guys to retweet and like my art! It is pinned on my profile
Thank you, guys! I might be opening free commissions slots so keep your eyes pealed!!

Así que, en Twitter, entré en el concurso Draw BT21. Los ganadores ganarán un peluche de uno de los personajes. El ganador se decide en popularidad. La cosa sobre eso, yo no uso mi cuenta de Twitter a menos que estoy retwitteando esto de BTS y todo eso así que no tengo seguidors para incluso ver mis cosas, necesito ayuda. Porque no uso mi cuenta, tengo una posibilidad baja de incluso ser notado, así que necesito que ustedes retweet y como mi arte! Está clavado en mi perfil
¡ gracias, chicos y chicas! ¡ podría estar abriendo las ranuras libres de las comisiones así que mantenga sus ojos abrogados!!


  • > Night T. Awww I'm happy that i was able to help!

  • OML I LOVE CHU SOOO MUCH!! 030303030

  • I'll,do the same as you. I'll repost wutt they said

  • I wish I could help them but I don't have Twitter to help :(

Feeling Better

I'm sorry about the post on Thursday. I was in a bad situation that could've dramatically affected my future education, but luckily I found a way to fix it and I won't have to worry about it any longer! Usually, I find the weekends to be a time where I can remind myself how much I hate myself, but I don't think that's the case this time. Surprisingly, I woke up in a good mood today and I still am in a good mood, and I think its mostly due to a great dream I had lol (and the fact that I fixed the problem I was in)
But thanks so much for all the support during that hard time, it truly means a lot. :)


  • I'm glad you are feel better now and like I can relate to how you felt a few days ago because school is just killing my desires atm and it's rrrrrrgh ;-;

  • > Melonman is back! *HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSS BACK*



for some reason the first time i submitted this post it didn't post.
so i hope it posts this time.
do any of you know some good textlines that aren't especially for suicidal feelings?
im asking this because im feeling absolutely horrible and in one of the worst situations ever.
another reason why im asking this is because i don't want my parents to see me searching up textlines because then they'll probably start yelling at me for no reason about it.
but like i asked, if you know any textlines that are just meant for venting and such, please comment their numbers down below.


  • > Vividncity That would be really helpful :)

  • > Banana Cat Yes. I can send you a directory for a few other hotlines if you'd be okay with it?

  • > markus I'm feeling a bit better now but thanks so much for the link <333

  • actually, there is the crisis textline, here is a link https://www.crisistextline.org/textline i hope this helps if you decide to try it <33

It's an OC!!

Salutations fellow humans, here I present to you today an OC!
I came up with this one all on my own (Pierce isn't entirely my character cuz my fren gave him his backstory)
So give a warm welcome to Heath! Just a couple facts about him:
- he's a unicorn hunter
- male, human
- 20 yrs old
- heccin moody, doesn't like socializing that much
- he likes wearing black/rainbow (even tho the sketches dont show that)
- gay (but he doesn't really know it yet hehehhe)
He's one of the main characters in a story I'm currently writing, so I haven't really established an official backstory for him yet. Im definitely gonna redraw these sketches of him digitally, especially for the colors.
But yea, this is Heath and I'm quite proud of him!


  • Nice to meet you, Heath!

  • > imreallytiredthisdaysucks:)<3 Thankies frendoo!

  • coolio frendo!

  • > sarah*and paint Thank you!!

This is late again oh well

Once again my kylo doodle is late but it's mostly cuz I got all caught up with watching the Oscar's (Oscar Isaac giving BB-8 a belly rub was my favorite part because yes) (I also have to watch Coco and Dunkirk sometime cuz I haven't seen those movies yet sorry)
But here's a Sunday kylo doodle cuz it's still Sunday where I am.
I might also post this on my gallery too


  • > Banana Cat You’re welcome

  • > markus Thank you mother (Yes it is, i love him very much)

  • > Maylien I thought i made an actual spelling mistake Thanks so much!!!

  • my eyes have been blessed. son, i am proud. (crankgameplays, huh? very nice)


I've been slacking a bit on my sunday kylo doodles haven't i? Well its still Sunday where I am, so I'm just gonna throw this quick doodle at you. I know it's really messy, but then again isn't that why they're called doodles?(thatprobablydidntevenmakeanysenseohwell) Well this isn't entirely kylo it's actually reylo (pls forgive my reylo heart and soul I can't help it), and I call it "The Bridal Carry Scene In The Force Awakens But If Kylo Didn't Have His Mask On" (by Fall Out Boy lmao) I might make this an actual drawing thingy and post it someday but I most likely won't because I'm really good at procrastinating. Have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you!


  • > imreallytiredthisdaysucks:)<3 Thankies frendo!! :)

  • > Hue-Child Reylo is truly beautiful ;w; Thanks btw!!

  • > Banana Cat You’re welcome. Also,time can go fuck itself,it’s too confusing

  • > HesitantWaylien Heh thank you very much! I guess for me it would be goodnight. So goodnight to you too? Oh well

Oc sketches!

Here's some oc sketches of a charter that me and a good friend of mine created! So here I present to you, Pierce the detective corgi of 2040! As a puppy he was stolen by his owner that gave him the ability to speak, and he called him "Papa". 20 years after that traumatic incident, Pierce works as a detective and pursues his dream to become a grand detective to honor his Papa.


  • > wyatt Pierce: thanks! :D <333

  • > sarah*and paint Thank you very much!

  • > Creektehgato Aaaa thanks so much Creek!!

  • ahhh beautiful pupper doggo <333

Just some doodles

Heres a stash of doodles
(Im really proud of the first two)
The first one is of Sophia Lillis (whom i have a crush on woops) and the second one is of Daisy Ridley (another crush hecc why am i so gay)
And then the Sunday kylo doodle cuz last week i forgot to do one
...I'm starting to believe that my traditional work is better than my digital work lol


  • > LocalDreamer Thanks! Your traditional art will look great!

  • > wyatt Aww thank you!! :)

  • Awesome! I need to touch up my traditional stuff lol

  • Ahh they are beautiful :)) such award winning smiles


My dad: StOP fUCkInG tEXtInG On yOUr PhONe!! PUt iT AwAY!!1!1!
What I'm actually doing on my phone: commenting on MySpace/drawings, looking thru the reylo tag on Instagram, looking at memes, not even texting anyone
Me: wtf dad

In more important news, i got an albino alligator plush that i shall name Jerry, and I also got Hesitant Alien by Gerard Way today!!


  • > band_aid Yes yes 👌

  • yes yes yes i like 👌👌

  • > HesitantWaylien Why, thank you! *tips hat*

  • You are the Glen Coco in this entire my space thing.I praise you

Some other stuf

Did ya think i forgot to draw a Kylo doodle on sunday?? Well then youre wrong!! ..i just forgot to post it, silly me hehe. So heres another sunday kylo doodle
Oh yea and i also got some more CDs at a Goodwill (the same one where i got a fall out boy cd, a black veil brides cd, a ramones cd, and many more)
Which are:
Riot! (Paramore)
Madness (Sleeping With Sirens)
So yea thats it i guess ok have a good one
*btw it was John Williams's birthday today and I just wanna say happy birthday to him cuz he's an awesome composer (my personal favorite) and a huge inspiration to me*


  • > HesitantWaylien Yeyeyeyeyey

  • > Creektehgato Tanks

  • > amatheia_v Omg ur comment made me laugh so much Our lord and savior 🅱en 🅱wolo

  • > band_aid *tosses my many cds to you* Thx btw!


Yes that title was a totally necessary Shane Dawson reference (i love him so much omg) but it might as well be my current mood because OH MY GOD
If someone ever told me back in the day that i would have 50 followers, I would have looked at them in confusion. 50 followers is a milestone i never thought of actually reaching, but you guys proved me otherwise. I honestly believe that i dont deserve this many, especially since i know other artists who deserve this many and more, but that doesnt make me ungrateful at all. Thank you so very very much. It makes my day that people actually take the time to follow me and like my cruddy art, so thank you very much. You guys mean the world to me.♡


  • > sarah*and paint Thank you! :)

  • > Frog-sama (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚♡

  • Congratulations .., and the biggest number of followers of my dear

  • :^) <3


ive been crying for the past hour. i still cant believe that sweet pea passed away. (for anyone who doesn't know who sweet pea is, she was frank iero's smol little old chihuahua)
Sweet Pea was my favorite out of Frank's many dogs, and when i saw his instagram post that sweet pea passed away, i completely lost it.
R.I.P. Sweet Pea, may you spend the rest of eternity barking in doggo heaven :,(
Heres some sweet pea fanart i drew in my sketchbook in december. (expect some more fanart soon for my doggo queen)


  • > Creektehgato :(

  • well this just crashed in on me during school this hurts so much aa why sweet pea whyyy

  • > HesitantWaylien That was very well put, May. And yes she definitely is in a better place

  • It broke my heart just hearing this news.Losing a pet is like losing your best friend since,well,you’ve been with them since the start.At least she’s in a better place,that place being dog heaven.


I almost forgot to do a sunday kylo doodle, so i did one
Behold kylo and bb-9e (i prefer the name bb-h8 lmao)
This is just a cruddy sketch but im considering inking it once i have nice ink pens cuz the one i stole a long time ago was stolen by someone else lol
Have a gr8 day/night/whatever time it is for you


  • my sweet child i love you your the only sane one here!

  • > chill.dood Omfg thanks!!

  • > Creektehgato Thanks so much creek!!! Hopefully I'll get some more stuff in my gallery that I'm more happy with

  • > Yumii Thanks fren!

The Take Over, The Break's Over!

Yes, that was a Fall Out Boy reference cuz I'm emo trash.
But ya boi is back! (Idk why i said that i dont even refer as myself as "ya boi") The second quarter ended at school today and i got all A's! So that's really good. I might go on random breaks in the future, depending on how school gets, but we shall wait and see. And hopefully, I'll get my entry for amatheia_v's contest!


  • > Lunae Lumina Thanks so much Lunae it means a lot! Cant wait to see your entry! ^_^

  • I’m glad you’re back!! Also good job on those A’s, I knew you could do it!! ((Oh yeah, I need to finish my entry too))

  • > HesitantWaylien (Okaythenishallnotstopwiththereferences)

  • > Banana Cat (Pleasedontstopwiththesereferencestheyreawesomeashell)


Im pretty sure im gonna go on a break, but not too long. It's only gonna be until Friday, cuz of stupid school. The quarter's ending this week so i have to work my hardest to keep a 4.0 gpa and all that so i decided to not be on MediBang for a while. I hope you all understand and aren't upset with me. See you soon!
(I might be posting comments here and there, but for the most part, i wont be too active)
Heres a jarjar meme to serve as my temporary departing gift


  • sorry Im late! but yeah, school really is frustrating, and its the primary source of anxiety and stress have a fantastic break! don't forget to relax whenever possible, and don't pressure yourself too far!

  • > Lunae Lumina Thanks so much Lunae! :)

  • > amatheia_v Thanks a lot my dude! That meme is pretty tasty 👌

  • Have a good break! Yeah school is pretty painful, study hard and I wish you good luck!

Another Kylo doodle!

Its already been 3 Sundays in a row (this one being the third) where I draw my boi Kylo Ren (i didnt post the first one i drew but if u wanna see it just let me know)
So i guess im just gonna draw and post a kylo ren doodle every sunday now ok
Heres a doodle of not Kylo Ren, but Ben Solo! (Same person, different personality in case u didnt know) Ive seen drawings of Ben as a Padawan while at Lukes Jedi temple thingy so i decided to give it a try and tbh i kinda like how it looks!
Off topic, but i spent like 2 hours in the morning of just listening to Black Veil Brides and I really like their music know so dont be surprised if i start obsessing over them lol


  • > ✨Artoari✨ The return of our lord and savior Ben Swolo

  • Ben Swolo has returned

  • > HesitantWaylien Therefore, Black Veil Brides' music is awesome because carrots and peas.

  • > Banana Cat You’re welcome and I do not know the answer to that.All I can say is carrots and peas

Some more cds!

I got 3 cds today at goodwill (the same one where i got infinity on high) which include:
•Meddle (Pink Floyd)
•Road to Ruin (Ramones)
•We Stitch These Wounds (Black Veil Brides)
I've never listened to Black Veil Brides before so this is gonna be my first time listening to them!
Also i got God's Favorite Band (the newest album from Green Day) earlier this month but i forgot to post about it woops
Have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you!


  • > sing sing Pls dont be sad I would give you some if i could

  • This makes me sad I are jealoous

A lil update i guess?

If you havent noticed, ive been quite inactive these few days and i probably will be like this for a while since school is making me so stressful unfortunately
So i wouldnt really call this a break, more like a "you probably wont be seeing me comment as much" i guess? Idk
Im also kinda losing motivation when i draw and im just really not satisfied with any of my wips so sorry about that
Bad stuff aside, MANIA (the new album from Fall Out Boy) is coming out tomorrow and im heccin excited! Ill probably have to wait a while until i get a chance to buy it as a CD oh well
Have a gr8 day/night/whatever time it is for u


  • > sing sing Aw lucky! I wish i had a Mania shirt!

  • ive been wearing a Mania shirt this entire time i am excite

  • ive been wearing a Mania shirt this entire time i am excite



So, um, remember I had a contest back in December? Yea, me neither.
Jk I did remember it I just kept forgetting to post anything about it. And I can't really choose who's the winner, cuz the entries are so good!! Even though there was only two entries, that doesn't mean I can't show the appreciation they deserve!
So we got this entry from amatheia_v, which I really like for the following reasons:
- it's a total unique idea that still incorporates the lil dumb reindeer that was the purpose of the contest
- the colors used are very nice (*pewds*)
- "Ho ho ho fellas"
- it's just adorable in general omg
And we got another entry from HesitantWaylien, which I also really like for the following reasons:
- the lil red nose omfg
- the majestic fluffy hair
- the tongue sticking out
- the colors here are also very nice (I just love the colors you chose May, they're the best)
And that's it, I believe! Thanks for doing the contest you two! *I still very sorry for doing this so late*


  • > amatheia_v Ur welcome fren!!!

  • gsfgbaslkjgbsfjvbsfkjvnsfzl thAnKS

  • > HesitantWaylien Sìììì

  • > Steve Buscemi Oh my god lunae i didnt know this was you at first and i was like "Steve Buscemi?? Who the heck is that?" 😂