(banner is not mine, got it off the internet while i practise my landscapes)
age: 12
sexuality: asexual
nationality: 🇬🇧 🇮🇳
pronouns: she her
birthday: 17/09
I am a weeb ;) my favourite animes are: JJK, AOT, BNHA, TBHK, Demon Slayer, TPN, Saiki K and BC. I have a massive watchlist ;-;
I also love: Genshin Impact, CRK, sitting in my room alone and doodling
working on my art! I love advice and tips :)
- Work Place:myhouse
- Gender:Female
Favorite color
What you eat when hungry
noodles and cereal. sometimes toast
Future goals
to live through school
Favorite writer
too many to fit in 💀
Pen tablet
erm. my finger and my ipad. a pen if im feeling professional
Things you always carry
my brain?? 👁👄👁

i was scrolling and this was literally all i could see :/
also i’m rlly sorry for being so inactive guys…I’ll try in the future to post more often but I’ve just been super busy. I’ve also kinda improved since I last posted so…yeah! :D
pls i’ve had the worst week, first i got Qiqi and ningguang when all i wanted was chongyun and then i fell down a small mountain, bashed my head on rocks, went to hospital and got stitches. AND tomorrow i have to meet new ppl from my new school 😭😭😭
it sucked.
also I just got my SATs results!!! and err well uhm i’m very proud of it so ima just tell u even tho you probably don’t want to hear (lol) 😓😬
GAPs: 69/70
Reading: 60/60
Maths: 109/110 (across 3 papers)
before I forget again lmao my memory goes 💀
me if you couldn’t tell ;)
the stylus isn’t pressure sensitive or shit bc my ipad doesn’t support that but it is awesome xD
ok now what you all wanted to know, WE GOT A KITTEN! i haven’t named it yet so some ideas would be great
we named her Cleo, she’s a bengal cat 🐱
Well if it's a white female cat, the name could be fluffy, if it's a black cat, name is cat noir just kidding lol, if it's a black cat then uhhh UHHHHH Luna and if it's an orange cat, name it Ginger or Amber and if it's a brownish-greenish kitten then name it Mittens and idk and some other random shits, Sorry ;-;
What color or fur type do they have? I have a good list of plant themed names. (Could also give them Warrior cat names if you want)
(if the kitten is a boy)
they post daily and their art is really good but they only seem to have 4 followers! pls follow!
Things I hate as an artist:
1. When ppl say things like p: “How did you do that!” “I’ll never be that good!” Work hard like that person did so you CAN be that good instead of complaining! (my advice to myself)
2. colouring: man fuck staying in the lines
3. drawing hands TvT
4. when ppl give up before they’ve even properly tried. Like BRO DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST BE AMAZING IMMEDIATELY!?
5. this happens to me a lot bc umm basically my parents are professional art teachers and graphic design and all that so nobody ever picks my entry at school (it’s a lot better than my online art-) bc they think it’s unfair that I’ve been doing art since i was like 3 and my parents are art teachers. My parents have never helped me with an entry and i know for a fact that some of my friends took their ideas from their parents and won ;n;
6. at school, everyone expects my work to be rlly good and I hate that pressure
Also, I’m not saying i should’ve won any contests, just that it’s unfair that ppl who’s parents helped them or their ideas are unoriginal should win
> ᯽ Strict parents? Yea I can see how that can be stressful.
> Cringe Oofies, I also have a lot of pressure on me because I’m an advanced student, my parents have to talk to me if I get like an 80 or something
I can relate to this lol. In my old school I never share my art (nobody knows I really like drawing) everytime someone brings up my name they think of that "quiet, smart, and fast" girl (I do track lol) so It puts alot of persure on me since I basically gotta keep up with that title. My old school was very odd and jugdy :^)
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ oh wow :0 that's a lot! so maybe lol np ^^
> Leieryx ikr 🤣 i think it’s bc i’m following over a thousand ppl now and they’re running out of ppl to recommend also thanks 😄
because you're cool it's funny that you're getting reccommended to yourself though XD
> Cringe awww thanks 🥺
oh my god- i just remembered i said i’d enter a contest for someone ages ago... if the person who’s contest it was sees this pls tell me. it was about a plant called dog i think... ach! i’m so sorry! i’ll make a gift for you to try and make up for it
a plant called dog? sounds funny...
me: finds out that everyone i love in anime gets killed
also me: dies inside
PS. this was not meant to offend anyone or to undermine the seriousness and damage of trauma pls don’t take this the wrong way
have some food: 🍉🍟🥞🍣🍤🍙🥗🥙🍔🌭🍕🌮🍱☕️🌯🧋
here’s if you’re a vegetarian/ vegan: 🍏🍉🍊🥗🥙🍟🥖🥨🥐🍯 there’s barely any >:(
> Cringe 😩
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ Like why is the anime creators doing this to us. LET THEM LIVE!😭😭🤚 But I guess it's for the plots 😔
> Cringe ikr 😭🤚🏽
It always hurts my soul when my favorite character dies 😔 sometimes I think the creators feed on pain & suffering.
> tadami-san np! :)
awww thanks a lot!
wish me luck 💀
> GoldenAgeOfArt I’ll still be friends with you though if that’s ok!
> GoldenAgeOfArt I think BLACKPINK is alright, but they aren’t one of my favourite groups. Also, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think I’m going to withhold my email since I don’t really know you 😅 (no offence, sorry)
> Cheryldino good luck too 💀
> Ice thanks 🥲
honestly, I never thought I would even get 50 so tysm- it means a lot 🥲:D
thank you all! ;D
should I get procreate? everyone says it’s great but I feel like even with an amazing program, my art will still rlly suck ;-;
AAAAAAA why am i so indecisive
> 🧁 medibang paint, but i’m just starting out with ibis paint x
what program do you use? i like clip studio paint but you might prefer procreate sooo......
YES YOU SHOULD My cousin has it and she let me try it's so good I love the special effects, but it needs money and my parents dont let me have it...
Also it’s really easy to make a custom brush :>
I just started watching Black Clover... my ears 😩💀
> Weeboo .same but for sukuna. i have a feeling ima like this guy...
Omg black clovers so good :D ( i love lucky ,even though he gives me sadist and mashcoist vibes :') )
> Lokerbomd literally
I have 6 art papers due tomorrow :)
Omg I have like four assignments due today TvT
heh, explains whta im doing right now
I want to download the April fool’s brush bundle, I have no clue if it’ll work or if it is, April fools but I dunno how to download it. I pressed download and I have the button in the corner but idk what to do next ;-;
> هبة ah. that might help
Oops the bundle has already expired🥲
I need one more character for the 6 fanarts thingy 😐 please.
> SunSun ok cool :)
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ Digitals is ok! But you can do what ever you would like!
> SunSun hey, would you prefer it digitally or on paper?
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ haha, i feel you lmaoooo
not me just deleting loads of my old art 👀
lol same
you’re still here?
ok well....i just got loads of spoilers. and 😭😭😭😭 nobara and nanami DIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😭😢😢😭😭😢😭😢😫🔫🥺💙☹️😢😔 RIP *intense sobbing*
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ Idk
> TikiToki ok first off, it’s a show, not a movie (just me being pedantic). And secondly, if you haven’t read the manga or watched the anime, why are you reading this and commenting?
Don't even read the book/watch the movie
> TikiToki ye I did it says repost 🤷♀️
> TikiToki dunno lemme check
Lemme guess, you got it from my post?
I’m not afraid of loads of things...but what i am i’m very VERY scared of. Take spiders for an example- or bugs- they creep me out so much with their little creepy legs and they’re so hairy and wriggly and EWWWWW
i’m only scared of the dark when I don’t know where I am otherwise I’m fine
> Cheryldino ah nvm
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ ?
> Cheryldino wait, wdym?
Death: a little bit Me: what the-
why am i even posting this =-=
i have need to finish my homework for tomorrow....and i need to wash my hair....and get loads of stuff ready...and today’s Poldark episode was really sad 🥲
“I have need” what wonderful grammar
i just found this.... I’m not sure but isn’t that Hitler? and wouldn’t some ppl find that really offensive....¤tPage=1
Oh god nononoo That’s really offensive
> Mossy literally my first reaction lol
> ⊂((・⊥・))⊃ Nothing :)
> 율 thank you!
> Akira_chan thank you, my notifications have been glitching so my apologies I did not reply ;v;
Ahh Congrats!!
Toge...with brown hair.
*sigh* simp list is getting longer..
> Nolan thank you ❤️
> Midnight_Fox53 😁 tysm
> Ice thank you! :D
ooh well done~~~