Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

here's some news about me

so yesterday i had to get sent home early from school because i wasn't feeling good and the nurse called my dad and told him to come and pick me and my sister up, so me and my sister were tested for covid-19 with our dads permission, and turns out i tested positive but my sister tested negative, so now whenever i am around somebody I have to wear a mask

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  • I'm the only one in the second P.E. class and choir that got quarantined cuz I stood next to you and talked to you

  • Good to know

a rating of my nicknames

Kity or Kitty infinity ❤️❤️❤️/10 I love it
Millie 8/10 don't really like being called that irl but its nice
Smiley Miley infinity ❤️❤️❤️/10 my library teacher gave me that nickname an I shall forever cherish that
Miley Cyrus -000/10 I don't like being called that because we are two different people I don't hate Miley Cyrus tho, I just don't like being called that. I've been called that since 1st grade
Silly Millie 9/10 all tho I don't like the silly part I do like the Millie part

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here's how some things work at meh house

so lets say ur watching something in living room on the couch, you have to say "i save this spot" cuz someone in the house is gonna sit there. if me or my sister is on the T.V in the room we have to say "I call dibs on being in here after school tomorrow" before the other one can say it cuz that's how our turns work.

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  • Your house is kinda like mine, so if I'm in the living room on the couch and the youngest of my brothers come he says get out and of I choose not to, he attempts to drag me out and calls our mom.